Class RiverReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class RiverReader
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    Reads program data file that stores the object graph of the CPS-transformed program.

    The file consists of two separate object streams. The first stream contains a list of Pickles, which are used to restore stateful objects. The second stream is the main stream that contains the main program state, which includes references to DryCapsule (which gets replaced to their respective stateful objects.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Field Detail

      • customResolver

        public static org.jboss.marshalling.ObjectResolver customResolver
    • Method Detail

      • restorePickles

        public<org.jboss.marshalling.Unmarshaller> restorePickles()
                                                                                                              throws IOException
      • restorePickles

        public<org.jboss.marshalling.Unmarshaller> restorePickles​(Collection<<?>> pickleFutures)
                                                                                                              throws IOException
        Step 1. Start unmarshalling pickles in the persisted stream, and return the future that will signal when that is all complete. Once the pickles are restored, the future yields Unmarshaller that can be then used to load the objects persisted by RiverWriter.