Class AbstractStepExecutionImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractSynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution, AbstractSynchronousStepExecution

public abstract class AbstractStepExecutionImpl extends StepExecution
Partial implementation of StepExecution that injects StepContextParameter upon resume. Declare any transient fields with StepContextParameter that you might need.

The originating Step may also be Injected. It must be marked Inject.optional(). Normally it is only used for the benefit of StepExecution.start(), so it should be transient. Beware that injecting a step this way does not currently work if that step has a no-argument (“default”) constructor (typically a DataBoundConstructor).

If you need any information from the step definition after a restart, make sure the Step is Serializable and do not mark it transient. (For a AbstractSynchronousStepExecution these considerations are irrelevant.)

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also: