Class SnippetizerLink

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SnippetizerLink.ExamplesLink, SnippetizerLink.GDSLLink, SnippetizerLink.GeneratorLink, SnippetizerLink.GlobalsReferenceLink, SnippetizerLink.OnlineDocsLink, SnippetizerLink.StepReferenceLink

public abstract class SnippetizerLink extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
A link that will show up on the side panel of the snippet generator and other similar pages. Display order is determined by extension ordinal - highest ordinal first.
Andrew Bayer
  • Constructor Details

    • SnippetizerLink

      public SnippetizerLink()
  • Method Details

    • getUrl

      @NonNull public abstract String getUrl()
      Get the URL this link should point to, which will be used by getDisplayUrl(). If this is not absolute, getDisplayUrl() will link to this within the current context.
    • getDisplayUrl

      @NonNull public final String getDisplayUrl()
      Get the actual URL to use in sidepanel.jelly. If getUrl() is not absolute, this will try to get the current Job context and return a url starting with that job's AbstractItem.getUrl() appended with getUrl().
    • getIcon

      @NonNull public String getIcon()
      Get the icon information for the link.
    • getDisplayName

      @NonNull public abstract String getDisplayName()
      Get the display name for the link.
    • inNewWindow

      public boolean inNewWindow()
      Check whether the link should target a new window - this defaults to false;