Package hudson.plugins.violations

Interface Summary
ViolationsParser Interface that violations parsers need to implement.

Class Summary
MagicNames A simple class to contain strings and names used by the violations plugin.
TypeConfig This contains the configuration of a particular violation type.
TypeDescriptor A descriptor for a violation type.
TypeSummary A summary report for a type.
ViolationsBuildAction This is the build action for the violations.
ViolationsCollector Collects the violations xml files, analyses them, renders html reports to the working directory, and returns a summary Violations report.
ViolationsConfig The configuration class for the violations plugin.
ViolationsProjectAction Project level action.
ViolationsPublisher Generats HTML and XML reports from checkstyle, pmd and findbugs report xml files.
ViolationsReport This contains the report for the violations of a particular build.

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