All Classes and Interfaces
Base class for cascadable parameters, providing basic and utility methods.
Abstract script.
Base class for parameters with scripts.
Abstract Uno Choice parameter.
A parameter that monitors other referenced parameters.
A choice parameter, that gets updated when another parameter changes.
A parameter that renders its options as a choice (select) HTML component.
Provides a dynamic reference parameter for users.
A Groovy script.
A markup formatter used by the plug-in (only, not available in other parts
of Jenkins) that allows HTML tags such as <input>.
Interface for scripts.
A parameter that is obtained through the execution of a script.
A callable (Jenkins remoting API) object that executes the script locally (when executed in the master)
or remotely.
Abstract descriptor for scripts.
A scriptler script.
Marker interface for Uno Choice parameters.
Descriptor for Uno Choice parameters.
Utility methods.