Class SonargraphIntegrationAction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    hudson.model.Action, hudson.model.ModelObject, hudson.model.ProminentProjectAction

    public class SonargraphIntegrationAction
    extends Object
    implements hudson.model.ProminentProjectAction
    This object is the responsible of managing the action that will take the user to see the graphs generated by sonargraph.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SonargraphIntegrationAction

        public SonargraphIntegrationAction​(hudson.model.Job<?,​?> job,
                                           List<String> selectedMetrics,
                                           MetricIds metricMetaData)
    • Method Detail

      • doGetPlot

        public void doGetPlot​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
                              org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp)
        Method that generates the chart and adds it to the response object to allow jenkins to display it. It is called in SonargraphChartAction/index.jelly in the src attribute of an img tag.
      • getJob

        public hudson.model.Job<?,​?> getJob()
      • getIconFileName

        public String getIconFileName()
        Icon that will appear next to the link defined by this action.
        Specified by:
        getIconFileName in interface hudson.model.Action
      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Name of the link for this action
        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface hudson.model.Action
        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface hudson.model.ModelObject
      • getUrlName

        public String getUrlName()
        Last segment of the url that will lead to this action. e.g https://localhost:8080/jobName/sonargraph
        Specified by:
        getUrlName in interface hudson.model.Action
      • getReportURL

        public String getReportURL()
        Report URL is used as html href for "Show most recent Sonargraph Report" in SonargraphIntegrationAction/index.jelly. Depends on global Jenkins URL being set correctly in Jenkins. Otherwise a relative path is used, which may work or not.
        the absolute or relative url/path for the most recent sonargraph report.
      • getDiffURL

        public String getDiffURL()
        Diff URL is used as html href for "Show most recent Sonargraph Diff" in SonargraphIntegrationAction/index.jelly. Depends on global Jenkins URL being set correctly in Jenkins. Otherwise a relative path is used, which may work or not.
        the absolute or relative url/path for the most recent sonargraph diff.