Class |
Description |
AbstractProjectReference |
AbstractProjectReference.ProjectReferenceDescriptor |
ArrowProperty |
BuildCauseOverride |
This class serves as an extension point to enable plugins to contribute
additional entries for Cause .
BuildDiscardPreventer |
This class servers as an extension point which, when extended, allow a
plugin to prevent the deletion of a build.
BuildFlowScriptAction |
This class implements the action that allows you to see and download all the
build steps that make up a particular run of a project.
BuildFlowScriptAction.BuildFlowScriptActionDescriptor |
BuildFlowScriptExtension |
This class is an extension point to add new handlers for turning certain
Builder into executable shell scripts
BuildViewExtension |
This class servers as an extension point to render additional configuration
entries for a build action.
CachingInheritanceListService |
Concrete implementation of InheritanceListService that
obtains inheritance data from the job itself.
ColorProperty |
CreationItemListener |
CustomTagLib |
ExecutabilityFilter |
This filters a list of projects down to those, that can be potentially
ExtendedBuildHistoryWidget |
Graph<T> |
This class implements a very simple directed graph.
Helpers |
HttpStatusException |
InheritableProjectsCategory |
Designed for projects which derive from InheritanceProject class
and offer features to inherit properties between classes.
InheritableStringParameterDefinition |
InheritableStringParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
InheritableStringParameterDefinition.IModes |
InheritableStringParameterDefinition.WhitespaceMode |
InheritableStringParameterReferenceDefinition |
InheritableStringParameterReferenceDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
InheritableStringParameterValue |
InheritanceBuild |
InheritanceBuild.HadToConvertErrorException |
This exception is raised, when an Error had to be converted
into an Exception to work around a Jenkins file handle leak in
Run .execute().
InheritanceGovernor<T> |
This class offers a few helper functions to facilitate correct
inheritance and versioning of the various types of fields of Jenkins
InheritanceListAction |
Action used for showing the list of inherited from, and inherited
by jobs for a given job.
InheritanceListActionFactory |
Jenkins extension for creating actions that will be used for
displaying the inheritance diagram of jobs of type inheritance
InheritanceListService |
Service that provides information on job inheriting from, and jobs
inherited by for a given job.
InheritanceParametersDefinitionProperty |
InheritanceParametersDefinitionProperty.DescriptorImpl |
InheritanceProject |
A simple base class for all inheritable jobs/projects.
InheritanceProject.Dependency |
InheritanceProject.DescriptorImpl |
InheritanceProject.IMode |
InheritanceProject.InheritedVersionInfo |
InheritanceProject.Relationship |
A very simple enum for the possible relationship states between
to projects.
InheritanceProject.Relationship.Type |
InheritanceRebuildAction |
This class implements the actions that are necessary to rebuild a
parameterised, inheritable job.
InheritanceRebuilder |
This class implements a RunListener specifically geared towards the
InheritanceBuild class.
InheritanceSelector<T> |
Extension point that allows other plugins to decide how a particular type
of object should be treated during inheritance.
InheritanceSelector.MODE |
This enumeration lists the various modes of inheritance that can be
InheritanceViewConfigurer |
This class implements a RunListener specifically geared towards the
InheritanceBuild class.
IProjectReferenceFilter |
This interface defines methods needed to filter a list of Jenkins jobs.
LimitedHashMap<K,V> |
MatingReferenceFilter |
Filters jobs according to whether or not the mating is valid.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
MetaScript |
This class encapsulates a script and the metadata surrounding it.
MockItemGroup<T extends Job<?,?>> |
This class is a pure mockery of an ItemGroup , used to handle
projects that are created only ephemerally and should not be visible
to the Jenkins core.
NodeFileSeparator |
This class implements the ability to efficiently look up the file separator
used for each Node.
ParameterizedProjectReference |
ParameterizedProjectReference.ParameterizedReferenceDescriptor |
ParameterSelector |
ParameterSelector.ScopeEntry |
PathMapping |
ProjectCreationEngine |
This class encapsulates the properties and actions of the project creation
ProjectCreationEngine.CreationClass |
This class describes the fundamental properties of a creation class type.
ProjectCreationEngine.CreationClass.DescriptorImpl |
ProjectCreationEngine.CreationMating |
This class references two creation class names and marks them as to be
mated by this creation engine.
ProjectCreationEngine.CreationMating.DescriptorImpl |
ProjectCreationEngine.ProjectCreationEngineDescriptor |
ProjectCreationEngine.RenameRestriction |
ProjectCreationEngine.RenameWatcher |
ProjectReference |
ProjectReference.OrderedProjectReferenceDescriptor |
ProjectReference.PrioComparator |
ProjectReference.PrioComparator.SELECTOR |
ProjectReference.PrioMap |
ProjectTemplate |
ProjectTemplate.ProjectTemplateDescriptor |
ProjectWizard |
This class is responsible for adding a "Wizard" functionality to the
"New Item" page, that expands on the "Copy from other Job" feature.
ProjectWizard.ProjectWizardDescriptor |
ReadOnlyConfigurationArchive |
RebuildCause |
RebuildParameterFilter |
This extension point allows you, to specify whether a given parameter
should be included in a rebuild of a job, or not.
RebuildValidatorSuppressor |
Referencer |
ReferenceUserIdCause |
Wrapper around Cause.UserIdCause that behaves exactly like it and
merely serves as a marker for whether or not a run started by this cause
should be considered a reference run or not.
Reflection |
Reflection.AssignabilityChecker |
Reflection.CachedClassResolver |
This is a cache for loading classes by their name.
RelatedProjectView |
RelatedProjectView.DescriptorImpl |
RelatedProjectView.ProjectTypes |
RelatedProjectView.Relationships |
Resolver |
ShellBuildFlow |
SimpleParameterizedProjectReference |
This class is an implementation of AbstractProjectReference with
with the added option of specifying addition parameters to be passed to
the referenced Project.
SimpleParameterizedProjectReference.SimpleParameterizedReferenceDescriptor |
SimpleProjectReference |
SimpleProjectReference.SimpleProjectReferenceDescriptor |
SimplifiedViewDescribableList<T extends Describable<T>,D extends Descriptor<T>> |
SVGArrow |
SVGClassBox |
This class shows a simple UML-like class box.
SVGGraphRenderer |
This is the abstract base class for rendering an SVG graph out of the basic
Graph description.
SVGLine |
SVGLink |
SVGNode |
SVGPrimitive |
This interface is the root of all drawable SVG primitives.
SVGRectangle |
SVGRectangle.AttachPoints |
SVGText |
SVGTreeRenderer |
This class renders an SVG-Graph as if it were a simple tree.
SVGUnion |
This class corresponds to a union of SVGPrimitives.
TextProperty |
TextProperty.STYLE |
ThreadAssocStore |
This singleton class is used to associated arbitrary objects with the
current thread.
TimedBuffer<O,K> |
TransienceFilter |
Filters jobs based on them being transient or not.
VersionChangeListener |
This class tracks whenever a change is done on show version related item.
VersionedObjectStore |
This class allows you to version-control almost arbitrary objects.
VersionedObjectStore.Version |
VersionHandler |
This class offers utility functions to encode and decode versioning
information in various ways.
VersioningAction |
VersionsNotification |
A simple class that matches the current state of versioning to a set of
messages that might be useful to the user.