All Classes and Interfaces

TestResultResource.addTestResult response.
A VCS Changeset in Testlab project.
Thrown if rest endpoint sends 409 CONFLICT response.
Adds CORS headers to Jenkins response.
A helper class to provide crest endpoints for calling external rest endpoints.
A custom field object with 10 fields included.
A custom field object with 150 fields included.
Our Testlab API call error handler.
Custom jsonentitywriter to add SomePOJO doSomething(SomePOJO pojo) ..
Encapsulates a single key-value pair.
Exception thrown when api responds with 404 for some reason.
ObjectMapper provider that uses jackson POJO mapping instead of jaxb.
Base class for all response objects.
Sends jenkins test results to Testlab.
Thrown if rest endpoint sends 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE response.
Encapsulates a single inbound result of a test case.
A non-fatal informative status code mapped exception thrown from testlab endpoint.
A post build action to publish test results to Meliora Testlab.
Optional job config block for advanced settings.
Optional config block for CORS settings.
Optional job config block for issues.
Optional job config block for Robot Framework support.
Optional job config block for TAP support.
Optional job config block for ruleset settings.
Optional job config block for on-premise settings.
Encapsulates inbound results of a single test run.
Crest client-side descriptor for Testlab's TestResultResource.
Thrown if rest endpoint sends 401 UNAUTHORIZED response.
Thrown if rest endpoint sends 400 BAD_REQUEST response.
A simple replacer class to replace tags with build environment variables in a String.