Class Sender


public class Sender extends Object
Sends jenkins test results to Testlab.
Meliora Ltd
  • Constructor Details

    • Sender

      public Sender()
  • Method Details

    • sendResults

      public static void sendResults(FilePath workspace, String companyId, boolean usingonpremise, String onpremiseurl, String apiKey, String projectKey, String ruleset, String milestone, String testRunTitle, String description, String testTargetTitle, String testEnvironmentTitle, String tags, Map<String,String> parameters, TestResult.AddIssueStrategy addIssueStrategy, Boolean reopenExisting, String assignToUser, boolean publishTap, boolean tapTestsAsSteps, boolean tapFileNameInIdentifier, boolean tapTestNumberInIdentifier, String tapMappingPrefix, boolean publishRobot, String robotOutput, Boolean robotCatenateParentKeywords, String automationSource, String resultName, List<String> culprits, List<Changeset> changesets, Run<?,?> build)
      Does the actual sending of results to Testlab. Called from appropriate Jenkins extension point.
      tapTestsAsSteps - ,
      tapFileNameInIdentifier - ,
      workspace -
      companyId -
      usingonpremise -
      onpremiseurl -
      apiKey -
      projectKey -
      ruleset -
      milestone -
      testRunTitle -
      description -
      testTargetTitle -
      testEnvironmentTitle -
      tags -
      parameters -
      addIssueStrategy -
      reopenExisting -
      assignToUser -
      publishTap -
      tapTestNumberInIdentifier -
      publishRobot -
      robotOutput -
      robotCatenateParentKeywords -
      automationSource -
      resultName -
      culprits -
      changesets -
      build -
    • parseResult

      protected static void parseResult(Run<?,?> build, Object resultObject, List<TestCaseResult> results, String user, boolean publishTap, boolean tapTestsAsSteps, boolean tapFileNameInIdentifier, boolean tapTestNumberInIdentifier, String tapMappingPrefix)
    • getTestCaseResult

      protected static TestCaseResult getTestCaseResult(Run<?,?> build, String id, int result, String msg, String stacktrace, String user, float duration)
    • hasTAPSupport

      public static boolean hasTAPSupport()
    • detectXmlEncoding

      public static String detectXmlEncoding(byte[] xml)
      From XML file encoded as bytes, try to detect the XML encoding from the preamble.
      xml -