Class LogFlowRecorder

    • Constructor Detail

      • LogFlowRecorder

        public LogFlowRecorder()
      • LogFlowRecorder

        public LogFlowRecorder​(List<LogFlowInput> configurations,
                               Boolean generatePicture,
                               Boolean compareAgainstLastStableBuild)
    • Method Detail

      • getCompareAgainstLastStableBuild

        public Boolean getCompareAgainstLastStableBuild()
      • setCompareAgainstLastStableBuild

        public void setCompareAgainstLastStableBuild​(Boolean compareAgainstLastStableBuild)
      • getGeneratePicture

        public Boolean getGeneratePicture()
      • setGeneratePicture

        public void setGeneratePicture​(Boolean generatePicture)
      • setConfigurations

        public void setConfigurations​(List<LogFlowInput> configurations)
      • perform

        public void perform​(@NonNull
                            Run<?,​?> run,
                            FilePath workspace,
                            EnvVars env,
                            Launcher launcher,
                            TaskListener listener)
                     throws IOException
        Specified by:
        perform in interface SimpleBuildStep
        run - a build this is running as a part of
        workspace - a workspace to use for any file operations
        env - environment variables applicable to this step
        launcher - a way to start processes
        listener - a place to send output