Class ClientFactory

  • public class ClientFactory
    extends Object
    Creates clients for communicating with Google APIs.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientFactory

        public ClientFactory​(ItemGroup itemGroup,
                   <> domainRequirements,
                             String credentialsId,
                             Optional<> httpTransport)
                      throws AbortException
        Creates a ClientFactory instance.
        itemGroup - A handle to the Jenkins instance.
        domainRequirements - A list of domain requirements.
        credentialsId - The ID of the GoogleRobotCredentials to be retrieved from Jenkins and utilized for authorization.
        httpTransport - If specified, the HTTP transport this factory will utilize for clients it creates.
        AbortException - If failed to create a new client factory.
      • ClientFactory

        public ClientFactory​(ItemGroup itemGroup,
                             String credentialsId)
                      throws AbortException
        Creates a ClientFactory instance without specifying domainRequirements or httpTransport.
        itemGroup - A handle to the Jenkins instance.
        credentialsId - The ID of the GoogleRobotCredentials to be retrieved from Jenkins and utilized for authorization.
        AbortException - If failed to create a new client factory.
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultProjectId

        public String getDefaultProjectId()
        The default Project ID associated with this ClientFactory's credentials.
      • getCredentialsId

        public String getCredentialsId()
        The Credentials ID for this ClientFactory.