Class StdoutUpload

    • Constructor Detail

      • StdoutUpload

        public StdoutUpload​(@Nullable
                            String bucket,
                            UploadModule module,
                            String logName,
                            @Deprecated @Nullable
                            String bucketNameWithVars)
        Construct the Upload with the stock properties, and the additional information about how to name the build log file.
        bucket - GCS bucket to upload build artifacts to.
        module - An UploadModule to use for execution.
        logName - Name of log file to store to GCS bucket.
        bucketNameWithVars - Deprecated format for bucket.
    • Method Detail

      • getLogName

        public String getLogName()
        The name to give the file we upload for the build log.
      • getDetails

        public String getDetails()
        Specified by:
        getDetails in class AbstractUpload
        Provide detail information summarizing this download for the GCS upload report.
      • forResult

        public boolean forResult​(Result result)
        Determine whether we should upload the pattern for the given build result.
        forResult in class AbstractUpload
        result - Result of the build run.
        Whether we should upload the pattern for the given build result.