Class GitChangeLogParser

  • public class GitChangeLogParser
    extends ChangeLogParser
    Parse the git log
    Nigel Magnay
    • Constructor Detail

      • GitChangeLogParser

        public GitChangeLogParser​(boolean authorOrCommitter)
        use #GitChangeLogParser(GitClient, boolean)
        Git client plugin 2.x silently truncated the first line of a commit message when showing the changelog summary in the 'Changes' page using command line git. They did not truncate when using JGit. In order to simplify the git client plugin implementation, the truncation was removed from git client plugin 3.0. In order to retain backward compatibility, git plugin 4.0 became responsible to truncate the summary at the correct points. As a result of that change of responsibility, this class needs to know which implementation is being used so that it can adapt for appropriate compatibility.
        authorOrCommitter - read author name instead of committer name if true
      • GitChangeLogParser

        public GitChangeLogParser​(org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git,
                                  boolean authorOrCommitter)
        Git client plugin 2.x silently truncated the first line of a commit message when showing the changelog summary in the 'Changes' page using command line git. They did not truncate when using JGit. In order to simplify the git client plugin implementation, the truncation was removed from git client plugin 3.0. In order to retain backward compatibility, git plugin 4.0 became responsible to truncate the summary at the correct points. As a result of that change of responsibility, this class needs to know which implementation is being used so that it can adapt for compatibility.
        git - the GitClient implementation to be used by the change log parser
        authorOrCommitter - read author name instead of committer name if true