All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbandonedPatchsetInterruption A cause class for new build interruption.BadgeAction Adds an icon to the build-schedule telling users that the build was triggered by Gerrit.Base64EncodedStringParameterProvider An extension class to injectBase64EncodedStringParameterProvider
to rebuild-plugin.Base64EncodedStringParameterValue A parameter value for Base64 encoded string.BecauseDependentBuildIsBuilding Build is blocked because it depends on a currently building job.BecauseWaitingForOtherProjectsToTrigger Build is blocked because it depends on a currently building job.BecauseWaitingToEnsureOtherJobsAreInQueue Build is blocked because it is waiting to ensure other jobs are in queue.Branch Represents a rule for triggering on a branch of a GerritProject.Branch.DescriptorImpl The Descriptor for the Branch.BuildCancellationPolicy Rules regarding cancellation of builds for when patchsets of the same change comes in.BuildCancellationPolicy.DescriptorImpl The descriptor.BuildCompletedCommandJob A send-command-job that calculates and sends the builds completed command.BuildCompletedRestCommandJob A job for theGerritSendCommandQueue
that sends a build completed message.BuildMemory Keeps track of what builds have been triggered and if all builds are done for specific events.BuildMemory.MemoryImprint A holder for all builds triggered by one event.BuildMemory.MemoryImprint.Entry A project-build entry in the list of a MemoryImprint.BuildMemoryComponent Support Core Component writing theBuildMemoryReport
.BuildMemoryReport Contains a snapshot clone of aBuildMemory
.BuildsStartedStats Bean for holding statistics of started builds for a specific event.BuildStartedCommandJob A send-command-job that calculates and sends the build started command.BuildStartedRestCommandJob A job for theGerritSendCommandQueue
that sends a build started message.ChangeIdAnnotator Turns "Change-ID: XXXX" into a hyperlink to Gerrit.CompareType Enum of different ways of comparing a pattern.CompareUtil Base interface for the compare-algorithms.CompareUtil.AntCompareUtil Compares based on Ant-style paths.CompareUtil.PlainCompareUtil Compares with pattern.equals(str).CompareUtil.RegExpCompareUtil Compares with regular-expressions.Config Configuration bean for the global configuration.Constants Global constants.DependencyQueueTaskDispatcher Blocks builds from running until the projects on which they depend have finished building.Diagnostics Sub page onGerritManagement
containing some diagnostic views.EventListener Event listener and scheduling forGerritTrigger
.EventListenersComponent Support Core Component writing theEventListenersReport
.EventListenersReport ADiagnostics
page showing the list of registeredGerritEventListener
s.EventTimeSlice This class holds events that were processed by the MissedEventPlaybackManager for the most recent timestamp.ExceptionDataHelper Helper class for easier Jelly usage.FilePath Represents a rule for triggering on a filepath of a GerritProject.FilePath.DescriptorImpl The Descriptor for the FilePath.GerritAdministrativeMonitor Displays a warning message in /manage if the Gerrit connection is down or some other warning.GerritCause A Cause why a build was scheduled.GerritConnectionListener Every instance of this class is a connection listener to a specific Gerrit server.GerritDependencyAction Adds Action that stores the data about dependency jobs.GerritDynamicUrlProcessor This class handles the fetching and parsing of URLs for the Dynamic Trigger Configuration.GerritEventLifecycle Interface representing a class handling event listeners for the lifecycle of a GerritEvent.GerritEventLifecycleListener Listener interface for listening in on a specific GerritEvent's lifecycle.GerritItemListener Listens for onDeleted and onLoaded events.GerritJcascConfigurator Configure JCasC.GerritJcascConfigurator.ServerConfigurator Inject `config` field explicitly as BaseConfigurator cannot detect this ("type is abstract but not Describable").GerritJcascConfigurator.TimeSpanConfigurator ConfigureWatchTimeExceptionData.TimeSpan
.GerritJcascConfigurator.WatchTimeExceptionDataConfigurator Cannot use BaseConfigurator asWatchTimeExceptionData
is immutable.GerritManagement Management link for configuring the global configuration of this trigger.GerritManagement.DescriptorImpl Descriptor is only used for UI form bindings.GerritManualCause A Cause of aManualPatchsetCreated
.GerritMessageProvider ExtensionPoint that allows other plug-ins to provide custom messages.GerritMissedEventsPlaybackEnabledChecker Utility class to periodically verify whether MissedEventsPlaybackManager can be enabled/disabled.GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager The GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager is responsible for recording a last-alive timestamp for each server connection.GerritNotifier Start position that notifies Gerrit of events.GerritNotifierFactory A factory for creating notification entities.GerritPluginChecker Helper to determine if a Gerrit Plugin is installed on the Gerrit server.GerritProject Base settings for one matcher rule of a Gerrit project.GerritProject.DescriptorImpl Descriptor allowing for communication within the Repeatable.GerritProjectList A sigleton class that keeps list of Jenkin's Gerrit projects.GerritProjectListUpdater Class responsible for providing the Config object with a list of all available Gerrit projects.GerritQueueListener Listens to delete events in the Jenkins Queue to clean up the BuildMemory.GerritRebuildValidator Disables the rebuild button for Gerrit triggered builds.GerritSaveableListener Listens for updated job configurations.GerritServer Every instance of this class represents a Gerrit server having its own unique name, connection, project list updater, configuration, and lists of listeners.GerritServer.DescriptorImpl Descriptor is only used for UI form bindings.GerritSlave Represents a Gerrit slave after which we wait for replication events.GerritSlave.GerritSlaveDescriptor The Descriptor for a GerritSlave.GerritTrigger Triggers a build based on Gerrit events.GerritTriggerApi An API class to use this plugin from external.GerritTriggerBuildChooser Used by the git plugin to determine the revision to build.GerritTriggerBuildChooser.DescriptorImpl Descriptor for GerritTriggerBuildChooser.GerritTriggerDescriptor The Descriptor for the Trigger.GerritTriggeredBuildListener A abstract class for listening Gerrit triggered build result.GerritTriggerException A exception class for Gerrit Trigger API.GerritTriggerInformationAction Action for setting information about the GerritTrigger on the project page.GerritTriggerParameters The parameters to add to a build.GerritTriggerParameters.ParameterMode How a parameter should be added to the triggered build.GerritTriggerTimer Manages the timer that is used for each GerritTrigger TimerTask that is active.GerritTriggerTimerTask TimerTasks that are created from a GerritTrigger and periodically calls GerritTrigger.updateTriggerConfigURL().GerritUserCause Represents a Cause for a re-triggered/user-triggered Gerrit job.GerritVersionChecker Util class used to determine if the current Gerrit version is high enough to run a specific feature..GerritVersionChecker.Feature The feature version we want to compare the current Gerrit version with.GerritVersionNumber Subclass of VersionNumber which can account for gerrit snapshot versions.Hashtag Represents a rule for triggering on a hashtag of a GerritProject.Hashtag.DescriptorImpl The Descriptor for the hashtag.HighestVersionNumber Subclass of GerritVersionNumber which represents the highest possible version number.HttpUtils Helper class for HTTP operations.IGerritHudsonTriggerConfig Interface for the Global configuration.INotification Interface for a Notification.JenkinsAwareGerritHandler Specialization of GerritHandler that supports gerrit event's lifecycle and takes care of custom EventThread creation.Logic Common static logic utility methods.ManualPatchsetCreated Represents a Patchset manually selected to be built by a user.ManualTriggerAction RootAction for manually triggering a "Gerrit-build".ManualTriggerAction.Approval Represents a "vote"-type or Approval of a change in the JSON structure.ManualTriggerAction.HighLow A tuple of a high and a low number.Messages Generated localization support class.Messages Generated localization support class.NamedGerritEventListener AGerritEventListener
that can provide a display name.NewPatchSetInterruption A cause class for new patchset interruption.Notification Abstract class for Notification send to Gerrit.NotificationBuildCompleted Wrapper for the Commands and Notifications send to gerrit if build is completed.NotificationBuildStarted Wrapper for the Commands and Notifications send to gerrit if a build starts.NotificationCommands Wrapper for commends send to Gerrit.ParameterExpander Expands a parameterized string to its full potential.PluginChangeAbandonedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a change is abandoned.PluginChangeAbandonedEvent.PluginChangeAbandonedEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginChangeAbandonedEvent.PluginChangeMergedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a change is merged.PluginChangeMergedEvent.PluginChangeMergedEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginChangeMergedEvent.PluginChangeRestoredEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a change is restored.PluginChangeRestoredEvent.PluginChangeRestoredEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginChangeRestoredEvent.PluginCommentAddedContainsEvent An event configuration that trigger the build when a comment is added and contains a message matching a configurable RegEx.PluginCommentAddedContainsEvent.PluginCommentAddedContainsEventDescriptor The descriptor for PluginCommentAddedContainsEvent.PluginCommentAddedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a comment is added.PluginCommentAddedEvent.PluginCommentAddedEventDescriptor The Descriptor for the PluginCommentAddedEvent.PluginConfig Configuration bean for the global plugin configuration.PluginDraftPublishedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a draft is published.PluginDraftPublishedEvent.PluginDraftPublishedEventDescriptor The Descriptor for the PluginDraftPublishedEvent.PluginGerritEvent Super class to all the events that can be configured to trigger on.PluginGerritEvent.PluginGerritEventDescriptor The Descriptor for the PluginGerritEvent.PluginHashtagsChangedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a hashTag changed which matching a configurable RegEx.PluginHashtagsChangedEvent.PluginHashtagsChangedEventDescriptor The descriptor for PluginHashtagChangedEvent.PluginImpl Main Plugin entrance.PluginNotFoundException A exception class regarding plugin status.PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a patchset is created.PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent.PluginPatchsetCreatedEventDescriptor The Descriptor for the PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent.PluginPrivateStateChangedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a change's private state changed.PluginPrivateStateChangedEvent.PluginPrivateStateChangedEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginPrivateStateChangedEvent.PluginRefUpdatedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a ref is updated.PluginRefUpdatedEvent.PluginRefUpdatedEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginRefUpdatedEvent.PluginRerunCheckEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be (re-)triggered when the gerrit checks plugin rerun check is triggered.PluginRerunCheckEvent.PluginRerunCheckEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginRerunCheckEvent.PluginStatusException A exception class regarding plugin status.PluginTopicChangedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a topic is changed.PluginTopicChangedEvent.PluginTopicChangedEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginTopicChangedEvent.PluginWipStateChangedEvent An event configuration that causes the build to be triggered when a change's WIP state changed.PluginWipStateChangedEvent.PluginWorkInProgressStateChangedEventDescriptor The descriptor for the PluginWipStateChangedEvent.RabbitMQMessageListenerImpl A listener for gerrit events as RabbitMQ message.ReplicationCache Replication cache for RefReplicated events.ReplicationCache.Factory A factory class for ReplicationCache.ReplicationConfig Each instance of this class holds data needed to trigger builds on replication events, and is associated to one specific GerritServer.ReplicationFailedAction Action to mark a build that must fail because replication failed.ReplicationFailedHandler Look for ReplicationFailedAction in the build and fail the build if found.ReplicationQueueTaskDispatcher Block builds until replication is completed if configured to wait for replication.RetriggerAction Action that retriggers one build with the same event parameters as the build this trigger is in.RetriggerAllAction Action that retriggers all builds in one event with the same event parameters as the build this trigger is in.RunningJobs Class for maintaining and synchronizing the runningJobs info.SetGerritReviewStep Allows altering the Gerrit review posted at the end of build during the build.SetGerritReviewStep.DescriptorImpl Adds the step as a workflow extension.SetGerritReviewStep.Execution Executes the SetGerritReviewStep.SkipVote Information about what votes to "skip" for aGerritTrigger
.StringUtil Various string making utility methods.SystemEventThread EventThread that impersonates the System user in Jenkins.ToGerritRunListener The Big RunListener in charge of coordinating build results and reporting back to Gerrit.Topic Represents a rule for triggering on a topic of a GerritProject.Topic.DescriptorImpl The Descriptor for the Topic.TopicAssociation Topic Association Option.TopicAssociation.DescriptorImpl The Descriptor for the Topic Association.TriggerContext This bean contains information to theGerritCause
about what other builds were involved in the same event.TriggerContextConverter AXStream
converter that can marshal/unmarshalTriggerContext
s.TriggeredItemEntity TriggerMonitor Keeps track of the lifecycle of a GerritEvent.TriggerMonitor.EventState State information about an event.VerdictCategory A verdict category for setting comments in Gerrit, i.e.VerdictCategory.VerdictCategoryDescriptor The Descriptor for a VerdictCategory.WaitingForReplication Build is blocked because replication is not completed to slave(s).