All Classes and Interfaces

Common base class for TRFReport and ETLogReport holding the archive file information.
Common base class for ATXBuildAction and ATXProjectAction.
Common base class for ATXReportGenerator and ATXReportUploader.
Common Callable enabling generating and uploading ATX reports remotely.
Common base class providing plugin specific DSL extensions.
Common base class for ETLogBuildAction and ETLogProjectAction.
Common base class for all export related task builders implemented in this plugin.
DescriptorImpl for AbstractExportBuilder.
Common base class for all import related task builders implemented in this plugin.
DescriptorImpl for AbstractImportBuilder.
Common base class for AbstractATXAction and AbstractTRFAction.
Common base descriptor class for all report related publisher descriptors implemented in this plugin.
Common base class for all report publishers.
Common base class providing report-related DSL extensions.
Context class providing common report related methods for the nested DSL context.
Common base class providing shared methods to handle StaplerRequests.
Abstract JNLP agent restarter based on Windows Task Scheduler.
Common base class for all test related task builders implemented in this plugin.
Common base class providing test-related DSL extensions.
Common base class for PackageClient and ProjectClient.
Helper class storing information about the errors returned by checking packages and projects.
Defines the seriousness types for checks.
Helper class storing execution information about the test result and the test report directory.
Callable providing remote access to load configurations via COM.
Callable providing remote access to open a test file via COM.
Helper class storing information about a test file.
Common base descriptor class for all test related task build descriptors implemented in this plugin.
Helper class providing common used functionalities for all test related task builders.
Callable providing remote access to get a ecu.test workspace setting value via COM.
Common base class for Package and Project giving access to their properties.
Common base class for several test reports created by AbstractReportPublishers.
Common base class for the TestPackageScanner and TestProjectScanner.
Abstract client providing common used functions to interact with a test management system.
Common base class for all tool related task builders implemented in this plugin.
Callable providing remote access to set the current COM properties.
Common base class providing tool-related DSL extensions.
Common base class for ETClient and TSClient.
Common base descriptor class for all test related task build descriptors implemented in this plugin.
Represents a base tool installation specified by name and home directory.
Common base class all report publishers which are using ecu.test as tool.
Common base class for TRFBuildAction and TRFProjectAction.
Common base class for the TestValidator and ToolValidator.
COM object representing the currently started analysis environment.
COM object providing operations to obtain informations of the currently analysis job.
Common base class for ExportAttributeConfig and ImportAttributeConfig.
Class holding the information of a boolean ATX setting.
DescriptorImpl of ATXBooleanSetting.
Action to show a link to ATXReports or ATXZipReports at the build page.
Class holding the ATX configuration grouped by setting sections.
DescriptorImpl of ATXConfig.
Class holding the information of an additional boolean ATX setting.
DescriptorImpl for ATXBooleanSetting.
DescriptorImpl for ATXCustomSetting.
Class holding the information of an additional text ATX setting.
DescriptorImpl for ATXTextSetting.
Advanced pipeline step that returns a pre-configured ATXServer instance by name.
DescriptorImpl for ATXGetServerStep.
Binds "ATX" keyword as global variable to pipeline executions.
Class holding all the ATX settings.
DescriptorImpl of ATXInstallation.
Listen to Saveable actions of this descriptor in order to update the default ATX setting values when invoked by CasC configuration reloads.
Advanced pipeline step that returns a new ATXServer instance.
DescriptorImpl for ATXNewServerStep.
Class providing pipeline methods in order to get or create ATXServer instances.
Action to show a link to ATXReports in side menu of projects.
Publisher providing the generation and upload of ATXReports to
DescriptorImpl for ATXPublisher.
Holds a link to ATX report.
Class providing the generation of ATXReports.
Class providing the generation and upload of ATXReports.
Class holding the information of a secret-based ATX setting.
DescriptorImpl of ATXSecretSetting.
Class holding ATX server specific settings in order to publish ATX reports.
Class holding the information of a single ATX setting.
The enum Settings group.
Parser for the ATX template configuration to gather all available ATX settings.
Class holding the information of a text-based ATX setting.
DescriptorImpl of ATXTextSetting.
Utility class providing ATX related functions.
Validator to check ATX related form fields.
Holds a link to the zipped ATX report if ATX upload is disabled.
COM object giving access to a specific file cache.
Builder providing generation of ecu.test file caches.
DescriptorImpl for CacheBuilder.
Client to generate ecu.test caches via COM interface.
Class holding the configuration for generating an ecu.test cache type.
DescriptorImpl for CacheConfig.
COM object giving access to the properties of a constant.
Available file caches.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMAnalysisEnvironment API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMAnalysisExecutionInfo API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMApplication API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMCache API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMCaches API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMConstant API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMConstants API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMPackage API.
Warns the user in case of possible compatibility issues between this version of the ecu.test plugin and the version of ecu.test used by the user.
Enum to be used as variable for generic warning messages.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMProject API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMTestbenchConfiguration API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMTestConfiguration API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMTestEnvironment API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMTestExecutionInfo API.
Represents the ecu.test specific COMTestManagement API.
COM object giving access to the properties of a constant.
COM object giving access to all global constants of the currently loaded test configuration.
Utility class providing library operations, especially for JACOB COM Bridge.
Class holding the downstream configuration.
DescriptorImpl for DownStreamPublisher.
Utility class providing environment variable operations.
Client to start and stop ecu.test by either COM or XML-RPC communication.
COM client to initialize a COM connection and to perform requests on application specific COM API.
Custom dispatch to perform requests on application specific COM API.
Exception thrown if an error occurs while communicating with a COM instance.
Serializable singleton class holding the current COM properties.
Client to register the ecu.test COM server via command line execution.
Exception thrown if the maximum timeout was exceeded while communicating with a COM instance.
Advanced pipeline step that checks whether the currently selected configurations are started.
DescriptorImpl for ETConfigStartedStep.
Advanced pipeline step that returns a pre-configured ETInstance instance by name.
DescriptorImpl for ETGetInstallationStep.
Binds "ET" keyword as global variable to pipeline executions.
Represents a ecu.test installation specified by name and home directory.
DescriptorImpl of ETInstallation.
Class holding ecu.test installation specific settings in order to start and stop instances.
Annotates each parsed line in a ecu.test log file.
Defines the severities for a log message.
Action to show a link to ETLogReports at the build page.
Class providing a parser for the ecu.test log files.
Action to show a link to ETLogReports in side menu of projects.
Publisher parsing the ecu.test log files and providing links to saved ETLogReports.
DescriptorImpl for ETLogPublisher.
Listener that can be notified when a build is started to delete previous ecu.test log files.
Holds a link to the ecu.test log report.
Advanced pipeline step that returns a new ETInstance instance.
DescriptorImpl for ETNewInstallationStep.
Class providing pipeline methods in order to get or create ETInstallation instances.
Main entry point to this plugin for the Jenkins instance.
Exception thrown if an error occurs while performing plugin-specific operations.
Contributes additional settings for the ETInstallation.
DescriptorImpl for ETToolProperty.
Class holding the test execution settings.
DescriptorImpl for ExecutionConfig.
Interface describing a factory to expand specific test configurations.
DescriptorImpl for ExportAttributeConfig.
Common base class for ExportPackageConfig and ExportProjectConfig.
DescriptorImpl for ExportConfig.
Class holding the configuration for exporting package attributes to test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ExportPackageAttributeConfig.
Builder providing the export of one or multiple ecu.test packages.
DescriptorImpl for ExportPackageBuilder.
Client to export ecu.test packages via COM interface.
Class holding the configuration for exporting a package to test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ExportPackageConfig.
Class holding the configuration for exporting package attributes to test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ExportProjectAttributeConfig.
Builder providing the export of one or multiple ecu.test projects.
DescriptorImpl for ExportProjectBuilder.
Client to export ecu.test projects via COM interface.
Class holding the configuration for exporting a project to test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ExportProjectConfig.
Holds a link to the generated report.
Class holding a global constant.
DescriptorImpl for GlobalConstant.
DescriptorImpl for ImportAttributeConfig.
Common base class for ImportPackageConfig and ImportProjectConfig.
DescriptorImpl for ImportConfig.
Class holding the configuration for importing package attributes from test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ImportPackageAttributeConfig.
Builder providing the import of one or multiple ecu.test packages.
DescriptorImpl for ImportPackageBuilder.
Client to import ecu.test packages via COM interface.
Class holding the configuration for importing a package from test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ImportPackageConfig.
Class holding the configuration for importing a project directory from test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ImportPackageDirConfig.
Class holding the configuration for importing a project from an archive.
DescriptorImpl for ImportProjectArchiveConfig.
Class holding the configuration for importing project attributes from test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ImportProjectAttributeConfig.
Builder providing the import of one or multiple ecu.test projects.
DescriptorImpl for ImportProjectBuilder.
Client to import ecu.test projects via COM interface.
Class holding the configuration for importing a project from test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ImportProjectConfig.
Class holding the configuration for importing a project directory from test management system.
DescriptorImpl for ImportProjectDirConfig.
Publisher providing the generation of JUnit reports and adds a TestResultAction by invoking the JUnitTestResultParser.
DescriptorImpl for JUnitPublisher.
Class providing the generation of JUnit reports with ecu.test.
Class providing a TestResult by parsing the JUnit report.
Validator to check UNIT related form fields.
Builder providing the license check of ecu.test.
DescriptorImpl for LicenseETBuilder.
COM object giving access to the properties of an opened package.
Client to execute ecu.test packages via COM interface.
Helper class storing package execution information.
Class holding the package configuration.
DescriptorImpl for PackageConfig.
Class holding a package output parameter name.
DescriptorImpl for PackageOutputParameter.
Class holding a package parameter.
DescriptorImpl for PackageParameter.
Utility class providing file path operations.
Utility class providing process and system operations.
COM object giving access to the properties of an opened project.
Client to execute ecu.test projects via COM interface.
Class holding the project configuration.
DescriptorImpl for ProjectConfig.
Defines the analysis job execution modes.
Class providing the report generation with a specific generator.
Action to show a link to GeneratorReports at the build page.
Class holding the report generator configuration.
DescriptorImpl for ReportGeneratorConfig.
Action to show a link to GeneratorReports in side menu of projects.
Publisher providing links to saved GeneratorReports.
DescriptorImpl for ReportGeneratorPublisher.
Class holding the report generator settings.
DescriptorImpl for ReportGeneratorSetting.
Validator to check report generator related form fields.
Class providing report related DSL extensions.
Context class providing ATX publisher methods for the nested DSL context.
Context class providing ecu.test log publisher methods for the nested DSL context.
Context class providing report generator publisher methods for the nested DSL context.
Context class providing the report generator configuration methods for the nested DSL context.
Context class providing TMS publisher methods for the nested DSL context.
Context class providing TRF publisher methods for the nested DSL context.
Builder providing the start up of ecu.test.
DescriptorImpl for StartETBuilder.
Builder providing the start up of the Tool-Server.
DescriptorImpl for StartTSBuilder.
Builder providing the tear down of ecu.test.
DescriptorImpl for StopETBuilder.
Builder providing the tear down of the Tool-Server.
DescriptorImpl for StopTSBuilder.
COM object representing the currently loaded test bench configuration file and provides methods for accessing the contained settings.
Class providing test related DSL extensions.
Client interface defining test execution controls.
Class holding the test configurations (e.g.
DescriptorImpl for TestConfig.
COM object representing the currently loaded test configuration file and provides methods for accessing the contained settings.
Shows the test related environment variables as an build action.
Listener notifying the build on completion and adding this TestEnvActionView as a new build action.
Contributor which adds various test related variables into the build environment variables.
Helper invisible action which is used for exchanging information between AbstractTestClients and other objects like TestEnvContributor.
Defines the test type.
COM object representing the currently started test environment.
COM object providing operations to obtain informations of the currently running test.
Builder providing the execution of ecu.test packages and projects inside of a test folder.
DescriptorImpl for TestFolderBuilder.
Defines the modes to scan the test folder.
COM object providing operations to offer access to the test management interface.
Builder providing the execution of an ecu.test package.
DescriptorImpl for TestPackageBuilder.
Directory scanner searching for ecu.test packages.
Builder providing the execution of an ecu.test project.
DescriptorImpl for TestProjectBuilder.
Directory scanner searching for ecu.test projects.
Validator to check test related form fields.
Base configuration class for connecting to test management systems.
DescriptorImpl for TMSConfig.
Publisher providing the export of reports to a test management system.
DescriptorImpl for TMSPublisher.
Class providing the upload of TRFReports to a test management system.
Validator to check project exporter related form fields.
Class providing tool related DSL extensions.
Client interface defining tool start up and tear down controls.
Show the tool related environment variables as an build action.
Listener notifying the build on completion and adding this ToolEnvInvisibleAction as a new build action.
Contributor which adds various tool related variables into the build environment variables.
Helper invisible action which is used for exchanging information between ETClients and other objects like ToolEnvContributor.
Validator to check tool related form fields.
Helper class to easily compare tool versions defined by major, minor, micro and qualifier version.
Action to show a link to TraceAnalysisReports at the build page.
Action to show a link to TraceAnalysisReports in side menu of projects.
Class holding the trace analysis configuration.
DescriptorImpl for TraceAnalysisPublisher.
Holds a link to the trace analysis report.
Class providing the execution of trace analyses.
Action to show a link to TRFReports at the build page.
Action to show a link to TRFReports in side menu of projects.
Publisher providing links to saved TRFReports.
DescriptorImpl for TRFPublisher.
Holds a link to the TRF report.
Client to start and stop the Tool-Server via command line execution.
Console annotator which annotates TT messages using TTConsoleNote.
A helper class that offers various types of logging.
Annotator which adds color highlighting.
DescriptorImpl for TTConsoleNote.
Class for recording test file checks as Warnings NG issues.
JNLP agent restarter based on Windows Task Scheduler.
in favor of WindowsTaskAgentRestarter