Class CompatibilityWarner


public class CompatibilityWarner extends Object
Warns the user in case of possible compatibility issues between this version of the ecu.test plugin and the version of ecu.test used by the user. Different methods hint at different compatibility issues.
  • Constructor Details

    • CompatibilityWarner

      public CompatibilityWarner()
  • Method Details

    • et2022p3AddDebugMessageForSingleBackslash

      public boolean et2022p3AddDebugMessageForSingleBackslash(Map<String,String> inputMap, TTConsoleLogger logger, CompatibilityWarner.PackageInfo info)
      Adds a debug message in case the user uses single backslashes in Constants and package parameters (relevant from ecu.test 2022.3 upwards).
      inputMap - the map the values of which are checked for single backslashes
      logger - logger where the warnings for single backslashes are written to
      info - information about the kind of values handed as inputMap
      true if any matches are found, else false