Klasse GenericBuildActionIterator.BuildActionIterable<A extends io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<?>,R>

A - the type of the action
R - the type of the result
Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Umschließende Klasse:
GenericBuildActionIterator<A extends io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<?>,R>

public static class GenericBuildActionIterator.BuildActionIterable<A extends io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<?>,R> extends Object implements Iterable<edu.hm.hafner.echarts.BuildResult<R>>
An iterable that provides an iterator for specific values of build that should be rendered in a trend chart. The build values must be stored in a concrete subclass of BuildAction. The property that contains the build value is selected by a generic predicate.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • BuildActionIterable

      public BuildActionIterable(Class<A> actionType, Optional<A> latestAction, Predicate<A> filter, Function<A,R> function)
      actionType - the type of the action to select
      latestAction - the latest action that will be used as starting point for the sequence of results
      filter - filter that selects the action (if there are multiple actions of the same type)
      function - the supplier that extracts the specific results from the action
  • Methodendetails

    • iterator

      public Iterator<edu.hm.hafner.echarts.BuildResult<R>> iterator()
      Angegeben von:
      iterator in Schnittstelle Iterable<A extends io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<?>>