Klasse TableColumn


public class TableColumn extends Object
Provides a model for table columns that are rendered with JQuery DataTables. The model consists of the following parts:
  • header label
  • header CSS class
  • column definition
  • responsive priority
  • tooltip
Ullrich Hafner
  • Konstruktordetails

    • TableColumn

      @Deprecated public TableColumn(String headerLabel, String dataPropertyName)
      Creates a simple column: it maps the specified property of the row entity to the column value.
      headerLabel - the label of the column header
      dataPropertyName - the property to extract from the entity, it will be shown as column value
    • TableColumn

      @Deprecated public TableColumn(String headerLabel, String dataPropertyName, String columnDataType)
      Creates a complex column: it maps the specified property of the row entity to the display and sort attributes of the column. The property dataPropertyName must be of type DetailedCell.
      headerLabel - the label of the column header
      dataPropertyName - the property to extract from the entity, it will be shown as column value
      columnDataType - JQuery DataTables data type of the column
  • Methodendetails

    • renderDetailsColumn

      public static String renderDetailsColumn(String detailsText)
      Renders an expandable details-column with the specified text.
      detailsText - the text to show if the column has been expanded.
      Gibt zurück:
      the HTML div to create the details column
    • renderDetailsColumn

      public static String renderDetailsColumn(String detailsText, io.jenkins.plugins.util.JenkinsFacade jenkinsFacade)
      Renders an expandable details-column with the specified text.
      detailsText - the text to show if the column has been expanded.
      jenkinsFacade - facade for Jenkins API calls to get symbols
      Gibt zurück:
      the HTML div to create the details column
    • setHeaderClass

      @Deprecated public TableColumn setHeaderClass(TableColumn.ColumnCss headerClass)
      Sets the CSS class for the column <th> tag. Multiple classes need to be separated using a space.
      headerClass - the CSS class(es) for the <th> tag
      Gibt zurück:
      this column
    • setWidth

      @Deprecated public TableColumn setWidth(int width)
      it makes more sense to let DataTables decide which columns to show
      Not supported anymore.
      width - the width
      Gibt zurück:
      this column
      Siehe auch:
    • getHeaderLabel

      public String getHeaderLabel()
    • getHeaderClass

      public String getHeaderClass()
    • getWidth

      @Deprecated public int getWidth()
      it makes more sense to let DataTables decide which columns to show
      Returns the width of the column.
      Gibt zurück:
      the width
    • getDefinition

      public String getDefinition()