Package hudson.scm

Interface ICvs

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCvs, CvsProjectset, CVSSCM

public interface ICvs extends Serializable
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the descriptor for the current plugin.
    Gets a list of all repositories configured for this job.
    Whether CVS update can be used in place of CVS checkout if a workspace is already checked out.
    Allows cleaning of the workspace with a fresh checkout if CVS update fails.
    CVS is normally run in quiet mode to reduce un-needed log output.
    Whether to checkout an individual module's files directly into the workspace root rather than into a subdirectory of the module name.
    Controls whether CVS should apply the 'C' option to update commands to overwrite local changes.
    Whether CVS should be instructed to remove empty directories as part of checkout/update.
    Allows the option of skipping the changelog generation after checkout.
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      ICvsDescriptor getDescriptor()
      Gets the descriptor for the current plugin.
      the current descriptor
      See Also:
    • getRepositories

      CvsRepository[] getRepositories()
      Gets a list of all repositories configured for this job. This list does not include any added through discovery e.g. parsing projectsets or ant scripts, purely those configured through the config page.
      a list of configured repositories.
    • isFlatten

      boolean isFlatten()
      Whether to checkout an individual module's files directly into the workspace root rather than into a subdirectory of the module name. Some scripts expect this functionality so this switch allows users to enabled or disable this. Some plugins may not have the option of supporting this if they automatically checkout multiple module (e.g. the CVS projectset plugin)
      true if the files should be checkout directly into the workspace root, false if they should be put in a subdirectory.
    • isCleanOnFailedUpdate

      boolean isCleanOnFailedUpdate()
      Allows cleaning of the workspace with a fresh checkout if CVS update fails.
      whether to do a workspace wipe-out followed be CVS checkout if CVS update fails
    • isCanUseUpdate

      boolean isCanUseUpdate()
      Whether CVS update can be used in place of CVS checkout if a workspace is already checked out.
      true is the cvs up can be used in place of cvs co under the correct circumstances.
    • isSkipChangeLog

      boolean isSkipChangeLog()
      Allows the option of skipping the changelog generation after checkout. Primarily used to save time as part of the build process . Has no effect on the polling configuration which uses a similar method to calculate changes.
      whether changelog generation should be skipped or not.
    • isPruneEmptyDirectories

      boolean isPruneEmptyDirectories()
      Whether CVS should be instructed to remove empty directories as part of checkout/update.
      if CVS should remove empty directories from the workspace on checkout
    • isDisableCvsQuiet

      boolean isDisableCvsQuiet()
      CVS is normally run in quiet mode to reduce un-needed log output. This option allows plugins to stop quiet mode being enabled.
      whether to disable quiet mode or not.
    • isForceCleanCopy

      boolean isForceCleanCopy()
      Controls whether CVS should apply the 'C' option to update commands to overwrite local changes.
      whether CVS should over-write modifications to controlled files int he workspace during update