Package hudson.scm

Interface ICvsDescriptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCvsDescriptor, CvsProjectset.CvsProjectsetDescriptor, CVSSCM.DescriptorImpl

public interface ICvsDescriptor
  • Method Details

    • getKnownHostsLocation

      String getKnownHostsLocation()
    • getPrivateKeyLocation

      String getPrivateKeyLocation()
    • getPrivateKeyPassword

      Secret getPrivateKeyPassword()
    • getCompressionLevel

      int getCompressionLevel()
    • getAuthentication

      CvsAuthentication[] getAuthentication()
    • getChangelogEncoding

      String getChangelogEncoding()
      Provides the format that the changelog (and any other plugin files) should be read and written in.
      the encoding selected by the user, defaults to UTF-8