Package lib

Interface CredentialsTagLib

All Superinterfaces:
groovy.lang.GroovyObject, org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.groovy.TypedTagLibrary

@TagLibraryUri("/lib/credentials") public interface CredentialsTagLib extends org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.groovy.TypedTagLibrary
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials.
    select(groovy.lang.Closure body)
    A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials.
    select(Map args)
    A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials.
    select(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)
    A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials.

    Methods inherited from interface groovy.lang.GroovyObject

    getMetaClass, getProperty, invokeMethod, setMetaClass, setProperty
  • Method Details

    • select

      void select(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)
      A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials. Your descriptor should have the 'doFillXyzItems' method, which returns a StandardListBoxModel representation of the credentials in your drop-down list box, and your instance field should hold the current value.
    • select

      void select(groovy.lang.Closure body)
      A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials. Your descriptor should have the 'doFillXyzItems' method, which returns a StandardListBoxModel representation of the credentials in your drop-down list box, and your instance field should hold the current value.
    • select

      void select(Map args)
      A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials. Your descriptor should have the 'doFillXyzItems' method, which returns a StandardListBoxModel representation of the credentials in your drop-down list box, and your instance field should hold the current value.
    • select

      void select()
      A control that supports the data binding and AJAX updates with support for adding credentials. Your descriptor should have the 'doFillXyzItems' method, which returns a StandardListBoxModel representation of the credentials in your drop-down list box, and your instance field should hold the current value.