Class HeteroDescribableConfigurator<T extends Describable<T>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
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@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class HeteroDescribableConfigurator<T extends Describable<T>> extends Object implements Configurator<T>
Configurator that works with Describable subtype as a target.

The configuration object will be specify the 'short name' which we use to resolve to a specific subtype of target. For example, if target is SecurityRealm and the short name is 'local', we resolve to HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm (because it has Symbol annotation that specifies that name.

The corresponding Configurator will be then invoked to configure the chosen subtype.

Nicolas De Loof
  • Constructor Details

    • HeteroDescribableConfigurator

      public HeteroDescribableConfigurator(Class<T> clazz)
  • Method Details

    • getTarget

      public Class<T> getTarget()
      Description copied from interface: Configurator
      Target type this configurator can handle.
      Specified by:
      getTarget in interface Configurator<T extends Describable<T>>
    • getConfigurators

      @NonNull public List<Configurator<T>> getConfigurators(ConfigurationContext context)
      Specified by:
      getConfigurators in interface Configurator<T extends Describable<T>>
      list of Configurators to be considered so one can fully configure this component. Typically, configurator for an abstract extension point will return Configurators for available implementations.
    • configure

      @NonNull public T configure(CNode config, ConfigurationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Configurator
      Configures/creates a Jenkins object based on a tree.
      Specified by:
      configure in interface Configurator<T extends Describable<T>>
      config - Map/List/primitive objects (think YAML) that represents the configuration from which a Jenkins object is configured.
      context - Fully configured Jenkins object used as the starting point for this configuration.
      Fully configured Jenkins object that results from this configuration. if no new objects got created, but some existing objects may have been modified, return updated target object.
    • check

      public T check(CNode config, ConfigurationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Configurator
      Run the same logic as Configurator.configure(CNode, ConfigurationContext) in dry-run mode. Used to verify configuration is fine before being actually applied to a live jenkins controller.
      Specified by:
      check in interface Configurator<T extends Describable<T>>
      config - Map/List/primitive objects (think YAML) that represents the configuration from which a Jenkins object is configured.
      context - Fully configured Jenkins object used as the starting point for this configuration.
    • describe

      @NonNull public Set<Attribute<T,?>> describe()
      Description copied from interface: Configurator
      Determine the list of Attribute available for configuration of the managed component.
      Specified by:
      describe in interface Configurator<T extends Describable<T>>
      A set of Attributes that describes this object
    • describe

      @CheckForNull public CNode describe(T instance, ConfigurationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Configurator
      Describe a component as a Configuration Nodes CNode to be exported as yaml. Only export attributes which are not set to default value.
      Specified by:
      describe in interface Configurator<T extends Describable<T>>
    • getImplementors

      public Map<String,Class<T>> getImplementors()