Class CodeDxVersion

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class CodeDxVersion
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<CodeDxVersion>
    Represents a Code Dx version number, disregarding tail matter like "RC" and "SNAPSHOT". The constructor is private; use the static fromString method instead. Instances are available for reference to point out min/max versions supporting certain features that might necessitate the Jenkins plugin to behave differently.
    • Field Detail


        public static final CodeDxVersion NEW_STATUS_REMOVED
        Version when the "New" triage status was removed in Code Dx (2.4.0). At this time, filters intending to use the "New" status would instead use the "First Seen" filter, using some threshold date to categorize "new" findings.

        public static final CodeDxVersion NEW_STATUS_RETURNED
        Version when the "New" triage status was returned to Code Dx (2.4.2). Several clients were adversely affected by the removal, and requested its return. Versions before (exclusive) this version, and starting from (inclusive) the NEW_STATUS_REMOVED version must use the "First Seen" filter in order to emulate the behavior of the "triage status = New" filter.

        public static final CodeDxVersion MIN_FOR_ANALYSIS_NAMES
        First version that supports the "analysis names" feature.

        public static final CodeDxVersion MIN_FOR_BRANCHING

        public static final CodeDxVersion MIN_FOR_POLICIES
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • supportsTriageNew

        public boolean supportsTriageNew()
        Convenience method that determines if this version of Code Dx supports the "New" triage status. Logically, this method checks that this < NEW_STATUS_REMOVED || this >= NEW_STATUS_RETURNED
        Whether the "NEW" triage status is supported