Klasse CoveragePullRequestMonitoringPortlet


public class CoveragePullRequestMonitoringPortlet extends io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
A portlet that can be used for the pull-request-monitoring dashboard. It renders the aggregated line and conditional coverage in a stacked bar chart and displays the delta, if a reference build is found.
Simon Symhoven
  • Konstruktordetails Linksymbol

  • Methodendetails Linksymbol

    • getTitle Linksymbol

      public String getTitle()
      Angegeben von:
      getTitle in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • getId Linksymbol

      public String getId()
      Angegeben von:
      getId in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • isDefault Linksymbol

      public boolean isDefault()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      isDefault in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • getPreferredWidth Linksymbol

      public int getPreferredWidth()
      Angegeben von:
      getPreferredWidth in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • getPreferredHeight Linksymbol

      public int getPreferredHeight()
      Angegeben von:
      getPreferredHeight in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • getIconUrl Linksymbol

      public Optional<String> getIconUrl()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      getIconUrl in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • getDetailViewUrl Linksymbol

      public Optional<String> getDetailViewUrl()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      getDetailViewUrl in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.monitoring.MonitorPortlet
    • getCoverageResultsAsJsonModel Linksymbol

      public String getCoverageResultsAsJsonModel()
      Get the json data for the stacked bar chart. (used by jelly view)
      Gibt zurück:
      the data as json string.
    • getReferenceBuildUrl Linksymbol

      public Optional<String> getReferenceBuildUrl()
      Get the link to the build, that was used to compare the result with.
      Gibt zurück:
      optional of the link to the build or empty optional.