Class Messages


@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class Messages extends Object
Generated localization support class.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key Folder.DefaultPronoun: Item.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key Folder.Description: Creates a container that stores nested items in it. Useful for grouping things together. Unlike view, which is just a filter, a folder creates a separate namespace, so you can have multiple things of the same name as long as they are in different folders..
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key Folder.DisplayName: Folder.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists: A view already exists with the name "{0}".
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key RelocateAction.displayName: Move.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key RelocateAction.permission.desc: Required to move a job from one folder (or Jenkins root) to another..
    static String
    Key Folder.DefaultPronoun: Item.
    static String
    Key Folder.Description: Creates a container that stores nested items in it. Useful for grouping things together. Unlike view, which is just a filter, a folder creates a separate namespace, so you can have multiple things of the same name as long as they are in different folders..
    static String
    Key Folder.DisplayName: Folder.
    static String
    Key Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists: A view already exists with the name "{0}".
    static String
    Key RelocateAction.displayName: Move.
    static String
    Key RelocateAction.permission.desc: Required to move a job from one folder (or Jenkins root) to another..

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Messages

      public Messages()
  • Method Details

    • Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists

      public static String Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(Object arg0)
      Key Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists: A view already exists with the name "{0}".
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      A view already exists with the name "{0}"
    • _Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(Object arg0)
      Key Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists: A view already exists with the name "{0}".
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      A view already exists with the name "{0}"
    • Folder_Description

      public static String Folder_Description()
      Key Folder.Description: Creates a container that stores nested items in it. Useful for grouping things together. Unlike view, which is just a filter, a folder creates a separate namespace, so you can have multiple things of the same name as long as they are in different folders..
      Creates a container that stores nested items in it. Useful for grouping things together. Unlike view, which is just a filter, a folder creates a separate namespace, so you can have multiple things of the same name as long as they are in different folders.
    • _Folder_Description

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _Folder_Description()
      Key Folder.Description: Creates a container that stores nested items in it. Useful for grouping things together. Unlike view, which is just a filter, a folder creates a separate namespace, so you can have multiple things of the same name as long as they are in different folders..
      Creates a container that stores nested items in it. Useful for grouping things together. Unlike view, which is just a filter, a folder creates a separate namespace, so you can have multiple things of the same name as long as they are in different folders.
    • RelocateAction_permission_desc

      public static String RelocateAction_permission_desc()
      Key RelocateAction.permission.desc: Required to move a job from one folder (or Jenkins root) to another..
      Required to move a job from one folder (or Jenkins root) to another.
    • _RelocateAction_permission_desc

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _RelocateAction_permission_desc()
      Key RelocateAction.permission.desc: Required to move a job from one folder (or Jenkins root) to another..
      Required to move a job from one folder (or Jenkins root) to another.
    • RelocateAction_displayName

      public static String RelocateAction_displayName()
      Key RelocateAction.displayName: Move.
    • _RelocateAction_displayName

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _RelocateAction_displayName()
      Key RelocateAction.displayName: Move.
    • Folder_DefaultPronoun

      public static String Folder_DefaultPronoun()
      Key Folder.DefaultPronoun: Item.
    • _Folder_DefaultPronoun

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _Folder_DefaultPronoun()
      Key Folder.DefaultPronoun: Item.
    • Folder_DisplayName

      public static String Folder_DisplayName()
      Key Folder.DisplayName: Folder.
    • _Folder_DisplayName

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _Folder_DisplayName()
      Key Folder.DisplayName: Folder.