All Classes and Interfaces

Implements Analytics to guarantee common properties are tracked with any events sent
Abstract BlueOcean run summary.
Pipeline abstraction implementation.
Basic BlueRun implementation.
TODO: move to junit plugin
Provides implementation of BlueOceanUI
Adds 'Open Blue Ocean' button on the left side bar of classic Jenkins UI.
Helpers to query @Capability annotations server-side
Represents a single commit as a REST resource.
Simple extension point to allow filtering item types by a specific key This can be used anywhere a list of items are returned, and it will examine the current request for a ?filter=filter1(param:value),filter2 parameter, okay the last bit is a future addition once/if OmniSearch and this are consolidated
Catch all for any run implementation
FreeStyleRunImpl can add it's own element here
Matches glob string patters See
Used to check the type of item for JobAnalytics
Used to exclude an item from JobAnalytics
Tracks events using
Implementation of LinkResolver
Provides log text that can be appended at the end of log
Generated localization support class.
Used when UsageStatistics.DISABLED is true
BlueOrganizationContainer for the embedded use
Default implementation of OrganizationFactory for a controller is to have everything in one organization called "jenkins"
BlueOrganization implementation for the embedded use.
Returns flattened view of pipelines To exclude flattening multi branch project: GET /rest/search/?q=type:pipeline;organization:jenkins;excludedFromFlattening=jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject To exclude flattening a folder: GET /rest/search/?q=type:pipeline;organization:jenkins;excludedFromFlattening=com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolder To exclude flattening both a folder and multi-branch projects GET /rest/search/?q=type:pipeline;organization:jenkins;excludedFromFlattening=jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject,com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolder
Search API for Run
Add Jenkins and Blue Ocean versions to the properties tracked
Run that can be stopped.
Adds 'Open Blue Ocean' menu on the left side of Jenkins pages.
BlueUser implementation backed by in-memory User
Preload the user object for the active user.