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AgentParameterDefinition - Class in com.bluersw
AgentParameterDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
构造函数在构建项目配置构建参数时调用(The constructor is called when the build project configures build parameter)
AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl - Class in com.bluersw
参数描述类,实现了与UI交互的方法。(The parameter description class implements the method of interacting with the UI.)
AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_DisplayName() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.DisplayName: Agent Server Parameter.
AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_errors_missingName() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.errors.missingName: Please set a name.
AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_errors_updateDefault() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.errors.updateDefault: Parameter default value update failed.
AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_success_updateDefault() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.success.updateDefault: Parameter default values have been updated.
AgentParameterRebuild - Class in com.bluersw
AgentParameterRebuild() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.AgentParameterRebuild
AgentParameterValue - Class in com.bluersw
AgentParameterValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bluersw.AgentParameterValue


buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterValue
Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.


com.bluersw - package com.bluersw
compareTo(AgentParameterDefinition) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
创建Agent服务器参数的参数结果对象(Create parameter result object for Agent server parameter)
createValue(StaplerRequest) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
创建Agent服务器参数的参数结果对象(Create parameter result object for Agent server parameter)
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
创建Agent服务器参数的参数结果对象(Create parameter result object for Agent server parameter)
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterValue
Returns a VariableResolver so that other components like Builders can perform variable substitution to reflect parameter values into the build process.


DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doCheckName(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
验证用户输入的参数名称是否合法,注意一定是“doCheck”+“要检查的参数名称”形式为方法名称。(Verify that the parameter name entered by the user is legal.
doFillValueItems(Job, String) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
在项目构建页面设置参数时调用,将所有可以用于构建的服务器名称,绑定到下拉菜单中让用户选择,方法名称必须是"doFill"+要绑定数据的页面元素field属性值+"Items"。(Called when setting parameters on the project construction page, bind all server names that can be used for construction to the drop-down menu for the user to choose, the method name must be "doFill" + field attribute value of the page element to be bound data + "Items ".)
doSetDefaultValue(Job, String, String) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
客户端选择Agent服务器时JS脚本调用的服务器端方法,作用是更新此参数的默认值,以便于方便用户下次项目构建时不需要再次选择Agent服务器。方法名一定是"do"+"方法名"。(When the client selects the agent server, the server-side method called by the JS script is to update the default value of this parameter, so that the user does not need to select the agent server again when the project is built next time.The method name must be "do" + "method name".)


getAssignedLabel(SubTask) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterValue
Controls where the build (that this parameter is submitted to) will happen.
getComputerNames() - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
获取所有Agent Server的显示名称(Get the display names of all Agent Servers)
getDefaultParameterValue() - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
创建含有默认值的结果对象 (Create a result object with default values)
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
获取构建参数默认值 (Get default values of build parameter)
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
获得构建参数描述对象,除了属性值绑定之外,与UI交互的动作方法在此对象内实现(Obtain the build parameter description object.
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
getDivId() - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
防止项目中有多个Agent Server Parameter,为每个构建参数的DIV元素创建唯一的ID值(Prevent multiple Agent Server Parameter in the project, create a unique ID value for each DIV element of the build parameter)
getRebuildPage(ParameterValue) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterRebuild


Messages - Class in com.bluersw
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class com.bluersw.Messages


newInstance(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl


setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.bluersw.AgentParameterDefinition
设置构建参数默认值 (Set default values for build parameter)


_AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_DisplayName() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.DisplayName: Agent Server Parameter.
_AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_errors_missingName() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.errors.missingName: Please set a name.
_AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_errors_updateDefault() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.errors.updateDefault: Parameter default value update failed.
_AgentParameterDefinition_DescriptorImpl_success_updateDefault() - Static method in class com.bluersw.Messages
Key AgentParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl.success.updateDefault: Parameter default values have been updated.
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