- getAction() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getAffectedFile() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getAffectedPaths() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getAuthor() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getBranch() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getBranchFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server port from the pased in sscm:// url.
- getBuildNumber() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMRevisionState
- getComment() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars, String, String, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Looks up a specific credential based on the credential ID.
- getCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getCredentialsId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getCredentialsId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getDate() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getDate() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMRevisionState
- getDefaultInstallation() - Static method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
- getDescriptor() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor
- getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl
- getEditType() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getFileCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars, String, String, RSAKey) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Looks up a specific file credential based on its ID.
- getFileCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getFunctionName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
- getIncludeOutput() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getInstallation(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl
- getKey() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getMsg() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getMsgAnnotated() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getName() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
- getName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getPassword() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getPath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
- getPortFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server port from the pased in sscm:// url.
- getRepository() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getRepositoryFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server port from the pased in sscm:// url.
- getRsaKey() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
This function was required to make the Snippet Generator work
- getRsaKey() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
This solely exists to fix the stupid Snippet Generator from crashing when asking about this function.
- getRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Used to populate the rsaKeyFileId field in stapler.
- getRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getRsaKeyFilePath() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
This solely exists to fix the stupid Snippet Generator from crashing when asking about this function.
- getRsaKeyFilePath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Used to populate the rsaKeyFilePath field in stapler.
- getRsaKeyFilePath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getRsaKeyPath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getRsaKeyType() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
- getRsaKeyValue() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
- getServer() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getServerFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server host name from the passed in sscm:// url.
- getServerPort() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getSscmExe() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
- getUrl() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
- getUserName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
- getVersion() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry