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addEntry(SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet
availableCredentials(Job<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Uses the CredentialsProvider to lookup StandardUsernameCredentials which will be used to populate the username // password dropdown box.
availableFileCredentials(Job<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Uses the CredentialsProvider to lookup FileCredentials which will be used to populate the username // password dropdown box.


calcRevisionsFromBuild(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Calculates the SCMRevisionState that represents the state of the workspace of the given build.
checkout(Run<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, File, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Obtains a fresh workspace of the module(s) into the specified directory of the specified machine.
compareRemoteRevisionWith(Job<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
createChangeLogParser() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
createSCM() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep


DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Singleton descriptor.
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl
doCheckHome(File) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl
doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
This populates the Username//Password credential dropdown on the config page.
doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor
doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
This populates the Username//Password credential dropdown on the config page.
doFillCredentialsItems(Item, String, Class) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
doFillRsaKeyFileIdItems(Item, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
This populates the rsaKeyFileId dropdown with a list of 'FileCredentials' that could be used.
doFillRsaKeyFileIdItems(Item, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor
This populates the rsaKeyFileId dropdown with a list of 'FileCredentials' that could be used.
doFillRsaKeyFileIdItems(Item, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
This populates the rsaKeyFileId dropdown with a list of 'FileCredentials' that could be used.


EnvVarsUtils - Class in hudson.scm
Just a collection of utility (static) methods to work with EnvVars.
EnvVarsUtils() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.EnvVarsUtils


forEnvironment(EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
forNode(Node, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool


getAction() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getAffectedFile() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getAffectedPaths() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getAuthor() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getBranch() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getBranchFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server port from the pased in sscm:// url.
getBuildNumber() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMRevisionState
getComment() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars, String, String, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Looks up a specific credential based on the credential ID.
getCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getCredentialsId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getCredentialsId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getDate() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getDate() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMRevisionState
getDefaultInstallation() - Static method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
getDescriptor() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl
getEditType() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getFileCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars, String, String, RSAKey) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Looks up a specific file credential based on its ID.
getFileCredentials(Job<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getFunctionName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl
getIncludeOutput() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getInstallation(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl
getKey() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getMsg() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getMsgAnnotated() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getName() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
getName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getPassword() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getPath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
getPortFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server port from the pased in sscm:// url.
getRepository() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getRepositoryFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server port from the pased in sscm:// url.
getRsaKey() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
This function was required to make the Snippet Generator work
getRsaKey() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
This solely exists to fix the stupid Snippet Generator from crashing when asking about this function.
getRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Used to populate the rsaKeyFileId field in stapler.
getRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getRsaKeyFilePath() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
This solely exists to fix the stupid Snippet Generator from crashing when asking about this function.
getRsaKeyFilePath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Used to populate the rsaKeyFilePath field in stapler.
getRsaKeyFilePath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getRsaKeyPath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
This was getting called.... not entirely sure why, having it always return 'null' to indicate that the field is not being used. It was showing up in the 'Snippet Generator' for the 'checkout' command prior to me having this return null.

When I didn't have this field, and it was not marked as @Exported the 'Snippet Generator' was throwing errors and wouldn't correctly generate the example 'checkout' command.

getRsaKeyType() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
getRsaKeyValue() - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
getServer() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getServerFromURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Parses the Surround SCM Server host name from the passed in sscm:// url.
getServerPort() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getSscmExe() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
getUrl() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
getUserName() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
getVersion() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry


hasRsaKeyConfigured() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
hasRsaKeyConfigured() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
hudson.scm - package hudson.scm
hudson.scm.config - package hudson.scm.config


isApplicable(Job) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor
isEmptySet() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet
isUsingRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
isUsingRsaKeyFileId() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
isUsingRsaKeyPath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
isUsingRsaKeyPath() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
iterator() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet


newInstance(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor


onLoaded() - Static method in class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
overrideAll(EnvVars, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class hudson.scm.EnvVarsUtils
Changes the behavior of EnvVars.overrideAll(Map) which drops variables which have value a null or a 0-length value: This implementation doesn't.


parse(Run, RepositoryBrowser<?>, File) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogParser
Parses the Surround SCM changelogFile, which is generated by the Surround SCM CLI's cruisecontrol command.
parse(AbstractBuild, File) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogParser


requiresWorkspaceForPolling() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
We don't actually NEED a workspace for polling.
resolveSscmTool(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Attempt to find a pre-configured 'SurroundTool' with a saved 'sscm_tool_name' Currently this will always fall back to the 'default' tool for the current node and requires some further testing of edge conditions
RSAKey - Class in hudson.scm.config
RSAKey() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
RSAKey(RSAKey.Type, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
RSAKey.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.scm.config
RSAKey.Type - Enum in hudson.scm.config


setIncludeOutput(boolean) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
setRsaKey(RSAKey) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
setRsaKey(RSAKey) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
setRsaKeyFileId(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
setRsaKeyFileId(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
setRsaKeyFileId(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
setRsaKeyFilePath(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
setRsaKeyFilePath(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
setRsaKeyFilePath(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
setRsaKeyPath(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Leaving this here for when reading in old versions of the plugin we can setup the new version of the rsaKey storage.
setRsaKeyType(RSAKey.Type) - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
setRsaKeyValue(String) - Method in class hudson.scm.config.RSAKey
SSCMUtils - Class in hudson.scm
Class for common, shared methods used to make the Surround SCM integration function.
SSCMUtils() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
supportsPolling() - Method in class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
SurroundSCM - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundSCM(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
SurroundSCM(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
as of release v10, Significant updates to the Jenkins integration, including:
SurroundSCM(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
Deprecated as of release v9, added option to include // exclude output.
SurroundSCM() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM
SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundSCMChangeLogParser - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundSCMChangeLogParser() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogParser
SurroundSCMChangeLogSet - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundSCMChangeLogSet(Run<?, ?>, RepositoryBrowser<?>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet
SurroundSCMChangeLogSet(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet
SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry(String, String, String, String, String, ChangeLogSet, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry(String, String, String, String, String, ChangeLogSet, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMChangeLogSet.SurroundSCMChangeLogSetEntry
SurroundSCMDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCM.SurroundSCMDescriptor
Constructs a new SurroundSCMDescriptor.
SurroundSCMRevisionState - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundSCMRevisionState(Date, int) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundSCMRevisionState
SurroundStep - Class in hudson.scm
Runs Surround SCM using SurroundSCM
SurroundStep(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundStep
SurroundStep.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundTool - Class in hudson.scm
SurroundTool(String, String, List<? extends ToolProperty<?>>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SurroundTool
SurroundTool.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.scm


validateSSCMURL(String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Performs basic sscm:// url validation by attempting to match it to the URI_PATTERN variable.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hudson.scm.config.RSAKey.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum hudson.scm.config.RSAKey.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


workspaceToNode(FilePath) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SSCMUtils
Helper function which finds the 'Node' for a provided 'workspace'
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