Package hudson.util

Class SequentialExecutionQueue

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SequentialExecutionQueue extends Object implements Executor
Executor that collapses two equal Runnables into one, and makes sure no two equal Runnables get executed simultaneously.

That is, if a Runnable is executing and another one gets submitted, the 2nd one waits for the completion of the 1st one. Object.equals(Object) is used on Runnable to identify two equal Runnables.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • SequentialExecutionQueue

      public SequentialExecutionQueue(ExecutorService executors)
  • Method Details

    • getExecutors

      public ExecutorService getExecutors()
      Gets the base underlying executors.,
    • setExecutors

      public void setExecutors(ExecutorService svc)
      Starts using a new ExecutorService to carry out executions.

      The older ExecutorService will be shut down (but it's still expected to complete whatever they are doing and scheduled.)

    • execute

      public void execute(@NonNull Runnable item)
      Specified by:
      execute in interface Executor
    • isStarving

      public boolean isStarving(long threshold)
      Returns true if too much time is spent since some Runnable is submitted into the queue until they get executed.
    • getInProgress

      public Set<Runnable> getInProgress()
      Gets Runnables that are currently executed by a live thread.