Package hudson

Class MarkupText

public class MarkupText extends AbstractMarkupText
Mutable representation of string with HTML mark up.

This class is used to put mark up on plain text. See MarkupTextTest for a typical usage and its result.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • MarkupText

      public MarkupText(String text)
      text - Plain text. This shouldn't include any markup nor escape. Those are done later in toString(boolean).
  • Method Details

    • getText

      public String getText()
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupText
      Returns the plain text portion of this MarkupText without any markup, nor any escape.
      Specified by:
      getText in class AbstractMarkupText
    • subText

      public MarkupText.SubText subText(int start, int end)
      Returns a subtext.
      Specified by:
      subText in class AbstractMarkupText
      end - If negative, -N means "trim the last N-1 chars". That is, (s,-1) is the same as (s,length)
    • addMarkup

      public void addMarkup(int startPos, int endPos, String startTag, String endTag)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupText
      Adds a start tag and end tag at the specified position.

      For example, if the text was "abc", then addMarkup(1,2,"<b>","</b>") would generate "a<b>b</b>c"

      Specified by:
      addMarkup in class AbstractMarkupText
    • addMarkup

      public void addMarkup(int pos, String tag)
    • toString

      @Deprecated public String toString()
      as of 1.350. Use toString(boolean) to be explicit about the escape mode.
      Returns the fully marked-up text.
      toString in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString(boolean preEscape)
      Returns the fully marked-up text.
      preEscape - If true, the escaping is for the <PRE> context. This leave SP and CR/LF intact. If false, the escape is for the normal HTML, thus SP becomes &nbsp; and CR/LF becomes <BR>
    • findTokens

      public List<MarkupText.SubText> findTokens(Pattern pattern)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupText
      Find all "tokens" that match the given pattern in this text.

      A token is like a substring, except that it's aware of word boundaries. For example, while "bc" is a string of "abc", calling findTokens with "bc" as a pattern on string "abc" won't match anything.

      This method is convenient for finding keywords that follow a certain syntax from natural text. You can then use MarkupText.SubText.surroundWith(String,String) to put mark up around such text.

      findTokens in class AbstractMarkupText
    • createSubText

      protected MarkupText.SubText createSubText(Matcher m)
      Specified by:
      createSubText in class AbstractMarkupText