Class WinProcess

  • public class WinProcess
    extends Object
    Represents a Windows process.

    On Windows, there are several system pseudo-processes, for which many of the getter invocations would fail. This includes "system idle process" (which always seem to have PID=0) and "System" (which always seem to have PID=4)

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Constructor Detail

      • WinProcess

        public WinProcess​(int pid)
        Wraps a process ID.
    • Method Detail

      • getPid

        public int getPid()
        Gets the process ID.
      • killRecursively

        public void killRecursively()
        Kills this process and all the descendant processes that this process launched.
      • kill

        public void kill()
      • sendCtrlC

        public boolean sendCtrlC()
                          throws WinpException
        Sends Ctrl+C to the process. Due to the Windows platform specifics, this execution will spawn a separate thread to deliver the signal. This process is expected to be executed within a 5-second timeout.
        true if the signal was delivered successfully
        WinpException - Execution error
      • isRunning

        public boolean isRunning()
      • isCriticalProcess

        public boolean isCriticalProcess()
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(int priority)
        Sets the execution priority of this thread.
        priority - One of the values from Priority.
      • getCommandLine

        public String getCommandLine()
        Gets the command line given to this process. On Windows, a command line is a single string, unlike Unix. The tokenization semantics is up to applications.
        WinpException - If Winp fails to obtain the command line. The process may be dead or there is not enough security privileges.
      • getEnvironmentVariables

        public TreeMap<String,​String> getEnvironmentVariables()
        Gets the environment variables of this process.

        The returned map has a case-insensitive comparison semantics.

        Never null.
        WinpException - If Winp fails to obtain the environment variables. The process may be dead or there is not enough security privileges.
      • all

        public static Iterable<WinProcess> all()
        Enumerates all the processes in the system.
        Never null.
        WinpException - If the enumeration fails.
      • enableDebugPrivilege

        public static void enableDebugPrivilege()
        Elevates the security privilege of this process so that we can obtain information about processes owned by other users.

        Otherwise some of the getter methods may fail with WinpException due to access denied error.