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QueryBuilder - Class in hudson.scm.browsers
Builds up a query string.
QueryBuilder(String) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.browsers.QueryBuilder
QueryParameterMap - Class in hudson.util
Parses the query string of the URL into a key/value pair.
QueryParameterMap(String) - Constructor for class hudson.util.QueryParameterMap
QueryParameterMap(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class hudson.util.QueryParameterMap
queue() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Displays the build queue as <l:pane>
queue(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Displays the build queue as <l:pane>
queue(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Displays the build queue as <l:pane>
queue(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Displays the build queue as <l:pane>
Queue - Class in hudson.model
Build queue.
Queue(LoadBalancer) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue
Queue_AllNodesOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.AllNodesOffline: All nodes of label ‘{0}’ are offline.
Queue_BlockedBy(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.BlockedBy: Blocked by ‘{0}’.
Queue_ExceptionCanRun() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.ExceptionCanRun: Exception evaluating if the queue can run the task.
Queue_ExceptionCanTake() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.ExceptionCanTake: Exception evaluating if the node can take the task.
Queue_executor_slot_already_in_use() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.executor_slot_already_in_use: Executor slot already in use.
Queue_FinishedWaiting() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.FinishedWaiting: Finished waiting.
Queue_HudsonIsAboutToShutDown() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.HudsonIsAboutToShutDown: Jenkins is about to shut down.
QUEUE_ID_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class hudson.model.Run
The original Queue.Item.getId() has not yet been mapped onto the Run instance.
Queue_init() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.init: Restoring the build queue.
Queue_InProgress() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.InProgress: A build is already in progress.
Queue_InQuietPeriod(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.InQuietPeriod: In the quiet period. Expires in {0}.
Queue_LabelHasNoNodes(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.LabelHasNoNodes: There are no nodes with the label ‘{0}’.
Queue_node_has_been_removed_from_configuration(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.node_has_been_removed_from_configuration: {0} has been removed from configuration.
Queue_NodeOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.NodeOffline: ‘{0}’ is offline.
Queue_Unknown() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.Unknown: ???.
Queue_WaitingForNextAvailableExecutor() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.WaitingForNextAvailableExecutor: Waiting for next available executor.
Queue_WaitingForNextAvailableExecutorOn(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.WaitingForNextAvailableExecutorOn: Waiting for next available executor on ‘{0}’.
Queue.BlockedItem - Class in hudson.model
Queue.Item in the Queue.blockedProjects stage.
Queue.BuildableItem - Class in hudson.model
Queue.Item in the Queue.buildables stage.
Queue.Executable - Interface in hudson.model
Represents the real meat of the computation run by Executor.
Queue.FlyweightTask - Interface in hudson.model
Marks Queue.Tasks that do not consume Executor.
Queue.Item - Class in hudson.model
Item in a queue.
Queue.JobOffer - Class in hudson.model
Data structure created for each idle Executor.
Queue.LeftItem - Class in hudson.model
Queue.Item in the Queue.leftItems stage.
Queue.NonBlockingTask - Interface in hudson.model
Marks Queue.Tasks that are not affected by the Jenkins.isQuietingDown() quieting down}, because these tasks keep other tasks executing.
Queue.NotWaitingItem - Class in hudson.model
Common part between Queue.BlockedItem and Queue.BuildableItem.
Queue.QueueAction - Interface in hudson.model
An optional interface for actions on Queue.Item.
Queue.QueueDecisionHandler - Class in hudson.model
Extension point for deciding if particular job should be scheduled or not.
Queue.Saver - Class in hudson.model
Schedule call for near future once items change.
Queue.State - Class in hudson.model
Simple queue state persistence object.
Queue.StubItem - Class in hudson.model
A Stub class for Queue.Item which exposes only the name of the Task to be displayed when the user has DISCOVERY permissions only.
Queue.StubTask - Class in hudson.model
A Stub class for Queue.Task which exposes only the name of the Task to be displayed when the user has DISCOVERY permissions only.
Queue.Task - Interface in hudson.model
Task whose execution is controlled by the queue.
Queue.TransientTask - Interface in hudson.model
Marks Queue.Tasks that are not persisted.
Queue.WaitingItem - Class in hudson.model
Queue.Item in the Queue.waitingList stage.
QueueDecisionHandler() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue.QueueDecisionHandler
QueueIdStrategy - Class in jenkins.model.queue
Pluggable strategy to generate queue item IDs as well as persist an optional opaque state whenever the queue is persisted.
QueueIdStrategy() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.queue.QueueIdStrategy
QueueIdStrategy.DefaultStrategy - Class in jenkins.model.queue
Default implementation if no extension is found.
QueueItem - Interface in jenkins.model.queue
Interface used by Jelly views to render a queue item through <t:queue>.
QueueItemAuthenticator - Class in
Extension point to run Queue.Executables under a specific identity for better access control.
QueueItemAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration - Class in
Show the QueueItemAuthenticator configurations on the system config page.
QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration() - Constructor for class
QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration.ProviderImpl - Class in
QueueItemAuthenticatorDescriptor - Class in
QueueItemAuthenticatorDescriptor() - Constructor for class
QueueItemAuthenticatorProvider - Class in
There are cases where a plugin need to provide a QueueItemAuthenticator that cannot be controlled or configured by the user.
QueueItemAuthenticatorProvider() - Constructor for class
queueItems - Variable in class jenkins.widgets.HistoryPageFilter
queueLength - Variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Number of Queue.BuildableItems that can run on any node in this node set but blocked.
QueueListener - Class in hudson.model.queue
Listener for events in Queue.
QueueListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.QueueListener
QueueSorter - Class in hudson.model.queue
Singleton extension point for sorting buildable items
QueueSorter() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.QueueSorter
QueueSorter_installDefaultQueueSorter() - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.Messages
Key QueueSorter.installDefaultQueueSorter: Installing default queue sorter.
QueueTaskDispatcher - Class in hudson.model.queue
Vetos the execution of a task on a node
QueueTaskDispatcher() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
QueueTaskFilter - Class in hudson.model.queue
Base class for defining filter Queue.Task.
QueueTaskFilter(Queue.Task) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFilter
QueueTaskFuture<R extends Queue.Executable> - Interface in hudson.model.queue
Future that can be used to wait for the start and the end of the task execution (such as a build.)
quick - Variable in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Entry
True makes the caller of WorkspaceList.allocate(FilePath) wait for this workspace.
QuickSilver - Annotation Type in
Indicates a SearchItem field/getter.
quiet() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
quiet(boolean) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
QuietDownCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
QuietDownCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.QuietDownCommand
QuietDownCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key QuietDownCommand.ShortDescription: Quiet down Jenkins, in preparation for a restart. Don’t start any builds..
quoteArgument(String) - Static method in class hudson.os.WindowsUtil
Quotes an argument while escaping special characters interpreted by CreateProcess.
quoteArgumentForCmd(String) - Static method in class hudson.os.WindowsUtil
Quotes an argument while escaping special characters suitable for use as an argument to cmd.exe.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form