Package hudson.model

Class UserPropertyDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Saveable, Loadable, OnMaster
Direct Known Subclasses:
ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl, ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty.DescriptorImpl, HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.DescriptorImpl, LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty.DescriptorImpl, MyViewsProperty.DescriptorImpl, PaneStatusProperties.DescriptorImpl, TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl, UserExperimentalFlagsProperty.DescriptorImpl, UserSearchProperty.DescriptorImpl, UserSeedProperty.DescriptorImpl

public abstract class UserPropertyDescriptor extends Descriptor<UserProperty>
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • UserPropertyDescriptor

      protected UserPropertyDescriptor(Class<? extends UserProperty> clazz)
    • UserPropertyDescriptor

      protected UserPropertyDescriptor()
      Infers the type of the corresponding Describable from the outer class. This version works when you follow the common convention, where a descriptor is written as the static nested class of the describable class.
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public abstract UserProperty newInstance(User user)
      Creates a default instance of UserProperty to be associated with User object that wasn't created from a persisted XML data.

      See User class javadoc for more details about the life cycle of User and when this method is invoked.

      null if the implementation choose not to add any property object for such user.
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Whether or not the described property is enabled in the current context. Defaults to true. Over-ride in sub-classes as required.

      Returning false from this method essentially has the same effect of making Hudson behaves as if this UserPropertyDescriptor is not a part of UserProperty.all().

      This mechanism is useful if the availability of the property is contingent of some other settings.