Class SecurityRealm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<SecurityRealm>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AbstractPasswordBasedSecurityRealm, LegacySecurityRealm

    public abstract class SecurityRealm
    extends AbstractDescribableImpl<SecurityRealm>
    implements ExtensionPoint
    Pluggable security realm that connects external user database to Hudson.

    If additional views/URLs need to be exposed, an active SecurityRealm is bound to CONTEXT_ROOT/securityRealm/ through Jenkins.getSecurityRealm(), so you can define additional pages and operations on your SecurityRealm.

    How do I implement this class?

    For compatibility reasons, there are two somewhat different ways to implement a custom SecurityRealm.

    One is to override the createSecurityComponents() and create key Spring Security components that control the authentication process. The default createFilter(FilterConfig) implementation then assembles them into a chain of Filters. All the incoming requests to Hudson go through this filter chain, and when the filter chain is done, SecurityContext.getAuthentication() would tell us who the current user is.

    If your SecurityRealm needs to touch the default Filter chain configuration (e.g., adding new ones), then you can also override createFilter(FilterConfig) to do so.

    This model is expected to fit most SecurityRealm implementations.

    The other way of doing this is to ignore createSecurityComponents() completely (by returning SecurityRealm.SecurityComponents created by the default constructor) and just concentrate on createFilter(FilterConfig). As long as the resulting filter chain properly sets up Authentication object at the end of the processing, Jenkins doesn't really need you to fit the standard Spring Security models like AuthenticationManager and UserDetailsService.

    This model is for those "weird" implementations.


    This view renders the login link on the top right corner of every page, when the user is anonymous. For SecurityRealms that support user sign-up, this is a good place to show a "sign up" link. See HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm implementation for an example of this.
    This view is used to render the configuration page in the system config screen.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final SecurityRealm NO_AUTHENTICATION
        Singleton constant that represents "no authentication."

        public static final AUTHENTICATED_AUTHORITY2
        GrantedAuthority that represents the built-in "authenticated" role, which is granted to anyone non-anonymous.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityRealm

        public SecurityRealm()
    • Method Detail

      • createSecurityComponents

        public abstract SecurityRealm.SecurityComponents createSecurityComponents()
        Creates fully-configured AuthenticationManager that performs authentication against the user realm. The implementation hides how such authentication manager is configured.

        AuthenticationManager instantiation often depends on the user-specified parameters (for example, if the authentication is based on LDAP, the user needs to specify the host name of the LDAP server.) Such configuration is expected to be presented to the user via config.jelly and then captured as instance variables inside the SecurityRealm implementation.

        Your SecurityRealm may also wants to alter Filter set up by overriding createFilter(FilterConfig).

      • getLoginUrl

        public String getLoginUrl()
        Gets the target URL of the "login" link. There's no need to override this, except for LegacySecurityRealm. On legacy implementation this should point to loginEntry, which is protected by web.xml, so that the user can be eventually authenticated by the container.

        Path is relative from the context root of the Hudson application. The URL returned by this method will get the "from" query parameter indicating the page that the user was at.

      • canLogOut

        public boolean canLogOut()
        Returns true if this SecurityRealm supports explicit logout operation.

        If the method returns false, "logout" link will not be displayed. This is useful when authentication doesn't require an explicit login activity (such as NTLM authentication or Kerberos authentication, where Hudson has no ability to log off the current user.)

        By default, this method returns true.

      • getPostLogOutUrl2

        protected String getPostLogOutUrl2​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
        Controls where the user is sent to after a logout. By default, it's the top page of Hudson, but you can return arbitrary URL.
        req - StaplerRequest that represents the current request. Primarily so that you can get the context path. By the time this method is called, the session is already invalidated. Never null.
        auth - The Authentication object that represents the user that was logging in. This parameter allows you to redirect people to different pages depending on who they are.
        never null.
        See Also:
        doLogout(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)
      • setCaptchaSupport

        public void setCaptchaSupport​(CaptchaSupport captchaSupport)
      • doLogout

        public void doLogout​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
                             org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp)
                      throws IOException,
        Handles the logout processing.

        The default implementation erases the session and do a few other clean up, then redirect the user to the URL specified by getPostLogOutUrl2(StaplerRequest, Authentication).

      • allowsSignup

        public boolean allowsSignup()
        Returns true if this SecurityRealm allows online sign-up. This creates a hyperlink that redirects users to CONTEXT_ROOT/signUp, which will be served by the signup.jelly view of this class.

        If the implementation needs to redirect the user to a different URL for signing up, use the following jelly script as signup.jelly

         <st:redirect url="" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler"/>
      • loadUserByUsername2

        public loadUserByUsername2​(String username)
        Shortcut for UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(String).
        never null.
        UserMayOrMayNotExistException2 - If the security realm cannot even tell if the user exists or not.
      • loadGroupByGroupname2

        public GroupDetails loadGroupByGroupname2​(String groupname,
                                                  boolean fetchMembers)
        If this SecurityRealm supports a look up of GroupDetails by their names, override this method to provide the look up.

        This information, when available, can be used by AuthorizationStrategys to improve the UI and error diagnostics for the user.

        groupname - the name of the group to fetch
        fetchMembers - if true then try and fetch the members of the group if it exists. Trying does not imply that the members will be fetched and GroupDetails.getMembers() may still return null
        UserMayOrMayNotExistException2 - if no conclusive result could be determined regarding the group existence. - if the group does not exist.
      • commenceSignup

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse commenceSignup​(FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity identity)
        Starts the user registration process for a new user that has the given verified identity.

        If the user logs in through a FederatedLoginService, verified that the current user owns an identity, but no existing user account has claimed that identity, then this method is invoked.

        The expected behaviour is to confirm that the user would like to create a new account, and associate this federated identity to the newly created account (via FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity.addToCurrentUser().

        UnsupportedOperationException - If this implementation doesn't support the signup through this mechanism. This is the default implementation.
      • doCaptcha

        public final void doCaptcha​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
                                    org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp)
                             throws IOException
        Generates a captcha image.
      • validateCaptcha

        protected final boolean validateCaptcha​(String text)
        Validates the captcha.
      • getSecurityComponents

        public SecurityRealm.SecurityComponents getSecurityComponents()
        Use this function to get the security components, without necessarily recreating them.
      • createFilter

        public javax.servlet.Filter createFilter​(javax.servlet.FilterConfig filterConfig)
        Creates Filter that all the incoming HTTP requests will go through for authentication.

        The default implementation uses getSecurityComponents() and builds a standard filter chain. But subclasses can override this to completely change the filter sequence.

        For other plugins that want to contribute Filter, see PluginServletFilter.

      • commonFilters

        protected final List<javax.servlet.Filter> commonFilters()
      • getFrom

        public static String getFrom()
        Perform a calculation where we should go back after successful login
        Encoded URI where we should go back after successful login or "/" if no way back or an issue occurred