Package hudson

Class Launcher

    • Field Detail

      • channel

        protected final hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel channel
      • envVarsFilterRuleWrapper

        protected EnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper envVarsFilterRuleWrapper
      • showFullPath

        public static boolean showFullPath
        Debug option to display full current path instead of just the last token.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Launcher

        protected Launcher​(@NonNull
                           TaskListener listener,
                           hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel channel)
      • Launcher

        protected Launcher​(@NonNull
                           Launcher launcher)
        Constructor for a decorator.
        launcher - Launcher to be decorated
    • Method Detail

      • prepareFilterRules

        public void prepareFilterRules​(@CheckForNull
                                       Run<?,​?> run,
                                       EnvVarsFilterableBuilder builder)
        Build the environment filter rules that will be applied on the environment variables
        run - The run that requested the command interpretation, could be null if outside of a run context.
        builder - The builder that asked to run this command
      • setEnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper

        protected void setEnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper​(EnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper envVarsFilterRuleWrapper)
      • getChannel

        public hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel getChannel()
        Gets the channel that can be used to run a program remotely.
        null if the target node is not configured to support this. this is a transitional measure. Note that a launcher for the built-in node is always non-null.
      • getListener

        public TaskListener getListener()
        Gets the TaskListener that this launcher uses to report the commands that it's executing.
        Task listener
      • getComputer

        public Computer getComputer()
        since 2008-11-16. See the javadoc for why this is inherently unreliable. If you are trying to figure out the current Computer from within a build, use FilePath.toComputer() or Computer.currentComputer().
        If this Launcher is encapsulating an execution on a specific Computer, return it.

        Because of the way internal Hudson abstractions are set up (that is, Launcher only needs a VirtualChannel to do its job and isn't really required that the channel comes from an existing Computer), this method may not always the right Computer instance.

        null if this launcher is not created from a Computer object.
      • launch

        public final Proc launch​(String[] cmd,
                                 boolean[] mask,
                                 Map<String,​String> env,
                                 OutputStream out,
                                 FilePath workDir)
                          throws IOException
        as of 1.311 Use launch() and its associated builder pattern
        Launch a command with optional censoring of arguments from the listener (Note: The censored portions will remain visible through /proc, pargs, process explorer, etc. i.e. people logged in on the same machine This version of the launch command just ensures that it is not visible from a build log which is exposed via the web)
        cmd - The command and all it's arguments.
        mask - Which of the command and arguments should be masked from the listener
        env - Environment variable overrides.
        out - stdout and stderr of the process will be sent to this stream. the stream won't be closed.
        workDir - null if the working directory could be anything.
        The process of the command.
        IOException - When there are IO problems.
      • launch

        public final Proc launch​(String[] cmd,
                                 boolean[] mask,
                                 Map<String,​String> env,
                                 InputStream in,
                                 OutputStream out)
                          throws IOException
        as of 1.311 Use launch() and its associated builder pattern
        Launch a command with optional censoring of arguments from the listener (Note: The censored portions will remain visible through /proc, pargs, process explorer, etc. i.e. people logged in on the same machine This version of the launch command just ensures that it is not visible from a build log which is exposed via the web)
        cmd - The command and all it's arguments.
        mask - Which of the command and arguments should be masked from the listener
        env - Environment variable overrides.
        in - null if there's no input.
        out - stdout and stderr of the process will be sent to this stream. the stream won't be closed.
        The process of the command.
        IOException - When there are IO problems.
      • launch

        public final Proc launch​(String[] cmd,
                                 boolean[] mask,
                                 String[] env,
                                 OutputStream out,
                                 FilePath workDir)
                          throws IOException
        as of 1.311 Use launch() and its associated builder pattern
        Launch a command with optional censoring of arguments from the listener (Note: The censored portions will remain visible through /proc, pargs, process explorer, etc. i.e. people logged in on the same machine This version of the launch command just ensures that it is not visible from a build log which is exposed via the web)
        cmd - The command and all it's arguments.
        mask - Which of the command and arguments should be masked from the listener
        env - Environment variable overrides.
        out - stdout and stderr of the process will be sent to this stream. the stream won't be closed.
        workDir - null if the working directory could be anything.
        The process of the command.
        IOException - When there are IO problems.
      • launch

        public final Proc launch​(String[] cmd,
                                 boolean[] mask,
                                 String[] env,
                                 InputStream in,
                                 OutputStream out)
                          throws IOException
        as of 1.311 Use launch() and its associated builder pattern
        Launch a command with optional censoring of arguments from the listener (Note: The censored portions will remain visible through /proc, pargs, process explorer, etc. i.e. people logged in on the same machine This version of the launch command just ensures that it is not visible from a build log which is exposed via the web)
        cmd - The command and all it's arguments.
        mask - Which of the command and arguments should be masked from the listener
        env - Environment variable overrides.
        in - null if there's no input.
        out - stdout and stderr of the process will be sent to this stream. the stream won't be closed.
        The process of the command.
        IOException - When there are IO problems.
      • launch

        public Proc launch​(String[] cmd,
                           String[] env,
                           InputStream in,
                           OutputStream out,
                           FilePath workDir)
                    throws IOException
        as of 1.311 Use launch() and its associated builder pattern
        env - Environment variable overrides.
        in - null if there's no input.
        workDir - null if the working directory could be anything.
        out - stdout and stderr of the process will be sent to this stream. the stream won't be closed.
      • launch

        public Proc launch​(String[] cmd,
                           boolean[] mask,
                           String[] env,
                           InputStream in,
                           OutputStream out,
                           FilePath workDir)
                    throws IOException
        as of 1.311 Use launch() and its associated builder pattern
        Launch a command with optional censoring of arguments from the listener (Note: The censored portions will remain visible through /proc, pargs, process explorer, etc. i.e. people logged in on the same machine This version of the launch command just ensures that it is not visible from a build log which is exposed via the web)
        cmd - The command and all it's arguments.
        mask - Which of the command and arguments should be masked from the listener
        env - Environment variable overrides.
        in - null if there's no input.
        out - stdout and stderr of the process will be sent to this stream. the stream won't be closed.
        workDir - null if the working directory could be anything.
        The process of the command.
        IOException - When there are IO problems.
      • launchChannel

        public abstract hudson.remoting.Channel launchChannel​(@NonNull
                                                              String[] cmd,
                                                              OutputStream out,
                                                              FilePath workDir,
                                                              Map<String,​String> envVars)
                                                       throws IOException,
        Launches a specified process and connects its input/output to a Channel, then return it.

        When the returned channel is terminated, the process will be killed.

        cmd - The commands.
        out - Where the stderr from the launched process will be sent.
        workDir - The working directory of the new process, or null to inherit from the current process
        envVars - Environment variable overrides. In addition to what the current process is inherited (if this is going to be launched from an agent, that becomes the "current" process), these variables will be also set.
      • isUnix

        public boolean isUnix()
        Returns true if this Launcher is going to launch on Unix.
      • printCommandLine

        protected final void printCommandLine​(@NonNull
                                              String[] cmd,
                                              FilePath workDir)
        Prints out the command line to the listener so that users know what we are doing.
      • maskedPrintCommandLine

        protected final void maskedPrintCommandLine​(@NonNull
                                                    List<String> cmd,
                                                    boolean[] mask,
                                                    FilePath workDir)
        Prints out the command line to the listener with some portions masked to prevent sensitive information from being recorded on the listener.
        cmd - The commands
        mask - An array of booleans which control whether a cmd element should be masked (true) or remain unmasked (false).
        workDir - The work dir.
      • maskedPrintCommandLine

        protected final void maskedPrintCommandLine​(@NonNull
                                                    String[] cmd,
                                                    boolean[] mask,
                                                    FilePath workDir)
      • decorateFor

        public final Launcher decorateFor​(@NonNull
                                          Node node)
        Returns a decorated Launcher for the given node.
        node - Node for which this launcher is created.
        Decorated instance of the Launcher.
      • decorateByPrefix

        public final Launcher decorateByPrefix​(String... prefix)
        Returns a decorated Launcher that puts the given set of arguments as a prefix to any commands that it invokes.
        prefix - Prefixes to be appended
      • decorateByEnv

        public final Launcher decorateByEnv​(@NonNull
                                            EnvVars _env)
        Returns a decorated Launcher that automatically adds the specified environment variables. Those that are specified in Launcher.ProcStarter.envs(String...) will take precedence over what's specified here.