Class BuildFailureScanner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BuildFailureScanner
    extends RunListener<Run>
    Looks for Indications, trying to find the Cause of a problem.
    Tomas Westling <>
    • Field Detail

      • ORDINAL

        public static final int ORDINAL
        The ordinal of this extension, one thousand below the GerritTrigger plugin.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • BuildFailureScanner

        public BuildFailureScanner()
    • Method Detail

      • scanIfNotScanned

        public static void scanIfNotScanned​(Run build,
                                            PrintStream scanLog)
        Scans the build if it should be scanned and it has not already been scanned. If configured, also reports successful builds to the StatisticsLogger.
        build - the build to scan
        scanLog - log to write information to
      • createSlackMessage

        public static String createSlackMessage​(List<FoundFailureCause> foundCauseList,
                                                boolean notifySlackOfAllFailures,
                                                List<String> slackFailureCauseCategories,
                                                String buildName,
                                                String buildNum,
                                                String buildUrl,
                                                PrintStream scanLog)
        Function to create the message for Slack using build and BFA information.
        foundCauseList - - Build failure causes found in the build
        notifySlackOfAllFailures - - Flag to indicate if all failures should be sent to Slack
        slackFailureCauseCategories - - Failure causes for which to notify Slack (from BFA configuration)
        buildName - - Name of the build
        buildNum - - Build object
        buildUrl - - Full URL of build
        scanLog - - PrintStream for the build log
        String Slack message with failure name, category and description if message successfully created, null otherwise