Class Messages


@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class Messages extends Object
Generated localization support class.
  • Constructor Details

    • Messages

      public Messages()
  • Method Details

    • Pipeline_Syntax

      public static String Pipeline_Syntax()
      Key Pipeline.Syntax: Pipeline Syntax.
      Pipeline Syntax
    • _Pipeline_Syntax

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _Pipeline_Syntax()
      Key Pipeline.Syntax: Pipeline Syntax.
      Pipeline Syntax
    • Snippetizer_this_step_should_not_normally_be_used_in

      public static String Snippetizer_this_step_should_not_normally_be_used_in()
      Key Snippetizer.this_step_should_not_normally_be_used_in: This step should not normally be used in your script. Consult the inline help for details..
      This step should not normally be used in your script. Consult the inline help for details.
    • _Snippetizer_this_step_should_not_normally_be_used_in

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _Snippetizer_this_step_should_not_normally_be_used_in()
      Key Snippetizer.this_step_should_not_normally_be_used_in: This step should not normally be used in your script. Consult the inline help for details..
      This step should not normally be used in your script. Consult the inline help for details.
    • LoggingInvoker_field_set

      public static String LoggingInvoker_field_set(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
      Key LoggingInvoker.field_set: Did you forget the `def` keyword? {0} seems to be setting a field named {1} (to a value of type {2}) which could lead to memory leaks or other issues..
      arg2 - 3rd format parameter, {2}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Did you forget the `def` keyword? {0} seems to be setting a field named {1} (to a value of type {2}) which could lead to memory leaks or other issues.
    • _LoggingInvoker_field_set

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _LoggingInvoker_field_set(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
      Key LoggingInvoker.field_set: Did you forget the `def` keyword? {0} seems to be setting a field named {1} (to a value of type {2}) which could lead to memory leaks or other issues..
      arg2 - 3rd format parameter, {2}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Did you forget the `def` keyword? {0} seems to be setting a field named {1} (to a value of type {2}) which could lead to memory leaks or other issues.