Interface SimpleChunkVisitor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SimpleChunkVisitor
This visitor's callbacks are invoked as we walk through a pipeline flow graph, and it splits it into chunks.

A ForkScanner.visitSimpleChunks(SimpleChunkVisitor, ChunkFinder) creates these FlowChunks using a ChunkFinder to define the chunk boundaries.

We walk through the FlowNodes in reverse order from end to start, so end callbacks are invoked before their corresponding start callbacks.

Callback types

There are two kinds of callbacks - chunk callbacks, and parallel structure callbacks.

Chunk Callbacks:

Chunk callback rules:

  1. For a single node, it may have EITHER OR BOTH chunkStart and chunkEnd events
  2. Every node that doesn't get a startChunk/endChunk callback gets an atomNode callback.
  3. For ChunkFinder implementations that match the BlockStartNode and BlockEndNode should never have both for a single node.
  4. You cannot have multiple of any of the same specific type of callbacks for the same flownode
  5. You cannot have a atomNode callback AND a start/end for the same flownode (application of the above).

Parallel Structure Callbacks: Zero, One, or (in niche cases) several different ones may be invoked for any given FlowNode.

These are used to provide awareness of parallel/branching structures if they need special handling.

The cases where a node triggers multiple callbacks are where it is one of several forked branches of an incomplete parallel block. In this case it can be a parallelBranchEnd, also potentially a parallelEnd, plus whatever role that node might normally have (such as the start of another parallel).

Implementations get to decide how to use and handle chunks, and should be stateful.

At a minimum they should handle:

  • Cases where there is no enclosing chunk (no start/end found, or outside a chunk)
  • Cases where there is no chunk end to match the start, because we haven't finished running a block
  • Nesting of chunks
Sam Van Oort
  • Method Details

    • chunkStart

      void chunkStart(@NonNull FlowNode startNode, @CheckForNull FlowNode beforeBlock, @NonNull ForkScanner scanner)
      Called when hitting the start of a chunk.
      startNode - First node in chunk (marker), included in node
      beforeBlock - First node before chunk (null if none exist)
      scanner - Forkscanner used (for state tracking)
    • chunkEnd

      void chunkEnd(@NonNull FlowNode endNode, @CheckForNull FlowNode afterChunk, @NonNull ForkScanner scanner)
      Called when hitting the end of a chunk.
      endNode - Last node in chunk
      afterChunk - Node after chunk (null if we are on the last node)
      scanner - Forkscanner used (for state tracking)
    • parallelStart

      void parallelStart(@NonNull FlowNode parallelStartNode, @NonNull FlowNode branchNode, @NonNull ForkScanner scanner)
      Notifies that we've hit the start of a parallel block (the point where it branches out).
      parallelStartNode - The BlockStartNode beginning it, next will be branches
      branchNode - BlockStartNode for one of the branches (it will be labelled)
      scanner - ForkScanner used
    • parallelEnd

      void parallelEnd(@NonNull FlowNode parallelStartNode, @NonNull FlowNode parallelEndNode, @NonNull ForkScanner scanner)
      Notifies that we've seen the end of a parallel block
      parallelStartNode - First node of parallel (BlockStartNode before the branches)
      parallelEndNode - Last node of parallel (BlockEndNode)
      scanner - ForkScanner used
    • parallelBranchStart

      void parallelBranchStart(@NonNull FlowNode parallelStartNode, @NonNull FlowNode branchStartNode, @NonNull ForkScanner scanner)
      Hit the start of a parallel branch
      parallelStartNode - First node of parallel (BlockStartNode before the branches)
      branchStartNode - BlockStartNode beginning the branch (this will have the ThreadNameAction giving its name)
      scanner - ForkScanner used
    • parallelBranchEnd

      void parallelBranchEnd(@NonNull FlowNode parallelStartNode, @NonNull FlowNode branchEndNode, @NonNull ForkScanner scanner)
      Hit the end start of a parallel branch

      May not be invoked if we're inside an in-progress parallel

      parallelStartNode - First node of parallel (BlockStartNode before the branches)
      branchEndNode - Final node of the branch (may be BlockEndNode if done, otherwise just the last one executed)
      scanner - ForkScanner used
    • atomNode

      void atomNode(@CheckForNull FlowNode before, @NonNull FlowNode atomNode, @CheckForNull FlowNode after, @NonNull ForkScanner scan)
      Called for a flownode neither start nor end. Ways you may want to use this: accumulate pause time, collect errors, etc. Note: invocations don't guarantee whether or not you're within a marked chunk.
      before - Node before the current
      atomNode - The node itself
      after - Node after the current
      scan - Reference to our forkscanner, if we want to poke at the state within