Class ArgumentsAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Action, ModelObject, PersistentAction

public abstract class ArgumentsAction extends Object implements PersistentAction
Stores some or all of the arguments used to create and configure the Step executed by a FlowNode. This allows you to inspect information supplied in the pipeline script and otherwise discarded at runtime. Supplied argument values can be hidden and replaced with a ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason for security or performance. Important note: these APIs do not provide recursive guarantees that returned datastructures are immutable.
  • Field Details


      protected static final int MAX_RETAINED_LENGTH
      Largest String, Collection, or array size we'll retain -- provides a rough size limit on any single field. Set to 0 or -1 to remove length limits.
  • Constructor Details

    • ArgumentsAction

      public ArgumentsAction()
  • Method Details

    • isOversized

      public static boolean isOversized(@CheckForNull Object o, int maxElements)
      Provides a basic check if an object contains any excessively large collection/array/string elements with more than maxElements in them. This is a trivial nonrecursive check, because implementations may need to do recursive operations to sanitize out secrets as well.
      o - Object to check, with null allowed since we may see null inputs
      maxElements - Max number of elements for a collection/map or characters in a string, or < 0 to ignore length rules.
      True if object (or one of the contained objects) exceeds maxElements size.
    • isOversized

      protected static boolean isOversized(@CheckForNull Object o)
      Check for single oversized fields much like isOversized(Object, int) but using MAX_RETAINED_LENGTH.
      o - Object to check for being oversized or holding an oversized value.
      True if object contains an oversized input, else false.
    • getIconFileName

      public String getIconFileName()
      Specified by:
      getIconFileName in interface Action
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface Action
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
    • getUrlName

      public String getUrlName()
      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface Action
    • getArguments

      @NonNull public Map<String,Object> getArguments()
      Get the map of arguments used to instantiate the Step, with a ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason instead of the argument value supplied in the executed pipeline step if that value is filtered for size or security.
      The arguments for the Step as with StepDescriptor.defineArguments(Step)
    • getArguments

      @NonNull public static Map<String,Object> getArguments(@NonNull FlowNode n)
      Get the map of arguments supplied to instantiate the Step run in the FlowNode given or empty if the arguments were not stored or the FlowNode was not a step.
      n - FlowNode to fetch Step arguments for (including placeholders for masked values).
    • getFilteredArguments

      @NonNull public Map<String,Object> getFilteredArguments()
      Get just the fully stored, non-null arguments This means the arguments with all ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason or null values removed
      Map of all completely stored arguments
    • getFilteredArguments

      @NonNull public static Map<String,Object> getFilteredArguments(@NonNull FlowNode n)
      Get just the fully stored, non-null arguments This means the arguments with all ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason or null values removed
      n - FlowNode to get arguments for
      Map of all completely stored arguments
    • getStepArgumentsAsString

      @CheckForNull public static String getStepArgumentsAsString(@NonNull FlowNode n)
      Return a tidy string description for the step arguments, or null if none is present or we can't make one See StepDescriptor.argumentsToString(Map) for the rules
    • getArgumentsInternal

      @NonNull protected abstract Map<String,Object> getArgumentsInternal()
      Return a fast view of internal arguments, without creating immutable wrappers
      Internal arguments
    • getArgumentValue

      @CheckForNull public Object getArgumentValue(@NonNull String argumentName)
      Get the value of a argument, or null if not present/not stored. Use getArgumentValueOrReason(String) if you want to return the ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason rather than null.
      argumentName - Argument name of step to look up.
      Argument value or null if not present/not stored.
    • getArgumentValueOrReason

      @CheckForNull public Object getArgumentValueOrReason(@NonNull String argumentName)
      Get the argument value or its ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason if it has been intentionally omitted.
      argumentName - Name of step argument to find value for
      Argument value, null if nonexistent/null, or NotStoredReason if it existed by was masked out.
    • isUnmodifiedArguments

      public boolean isUnmodifiedArguments()
      Test if Step arguments are persisted in an unaltered form.
      True if full arguments are retained, false if some have been removed for security, size, or other reasons.
    • getResolvedArguments

      @NonNull public static Map<String,?> getResolvedArguments(@NonNull FlowNode n)
      Like getArguments(FlowNode) but attempting to resolve actual classes. If you need to reconstruct actual classes of nested objects (for example to pass to PluginManager.whichPlugin(java.lang.Class)), it is not trivial to get this information from the form in which they were supplied to DescribableModel.instantiate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ?>). For example, nested objects (where present and not a ArgumentsAction.NotStoredReason) might have been
      • an UninstantiatedDescribable, if given by a symbol
      • a Map, if given by DescribableModel.CLAZZ
      • a Describable, if constructed directly (rare)
      This method will instead attempt to return a normalized tree using UninstantiatedDescribable in all those cases. You could use UninstantiatedDescribable.getModel() (where available) and DescribableModel.getType() to access live classes. Where information is missing, this will just return the best it can.