Class |
Description |
AbstractArgs |
The AbstractArgs class contributes API-agnostic switches to Veracode API
wrapper command line arguments created by derived types.
ACWebRequestHandler |
The ACWebRequestHandler class enables the Veracode Java API wrapper to make
web requests to Veracode with a custom User-Agent header value.
BuildHistory |
The BuildHistory class represents the build history data for a particular
scan type (Static, SCA, Dynamic Analysis)
Constant |
The Constant class contains the commonly used strings in the plugin.
CredentialsBlock |
The CredentialsBlock class corresponds to an "optionalBlock" jelly element
that represents user credentials data.
DAAdapterService |
The DAAdapterService class contains the methods for resubmitting and
retrieving Dynamic Analysis for both Freestyle and Pipeline.
DAScanHistory |
The DAScanHistory class represents the Dynamic Analysis history for a Jenkins
current/past build.
DynamicAnalysisResultsAction |
This class represents the post build Veracode step on the build page.
DynamicAnalysisResultsNotifier |
The DynamicAnalysisResultsNotifier class handles processing for post build
action "Review Veracode Dynamic Analysis Results".
DynamicAnalysisResultsNotifier.DynamicAnalysisResultsDescriptorImpl |
DynamicAnalysisResultsPipelineRecorder |
The DynamicAnalysisResultsPipelineRecorder class handles processing for
"veracodeDynamicAnalysisReview" Pipeline script.
DynamicAnalysisResultsPipelineRecorder.PipelineDynamicAnalysisResultsDescriptorImpl |
DynamicAnalysisStartNotifier |
The DynamicAnalysisStartNotifier class handles processing for post build
action "Resubmit Veracode Dynamic Analysis".
DynamicAnalysisStartNotifier.DynamicAnalysisStartDescriptor |
DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineRecorder |
The DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineRecorder class handles processing for
"veracodeDynamicAnalysisResubmit" Pipeline script.
DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineRecorder.DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineDescriptor |
DynamicRescanArgs |
The DynamicRescanArgs class builds the command line argument passed to the
Veracode API wrapper that causes it to create dynamic scan request and submit
the created dynamic scan.
DynamicRescanNotifier |
The DynamicRescanNotifier class contains the code that is executed after a
job that is configured to use the Veracode plugin is built and provides
getter methods for the form fields defined in config.jelly.
DynamicRescanNotifier.DynamicScanDescriptor |
Contains the code that is executed after a user submits the "Configure
System" form and provides getter methods for the form fields defined in
DynamicRescanPipelineRecorder |
The DynamicRescanPipelineRecorder class handles processing for
"veracodeDynamicRescan" Pipeline script.
DynamicRescanPipelineRecorder.PipelineDynamicRescanDescriptorImpl |
EncryptionUtil |
The EncryptionUtil is a utility class for encrypting and decrypting
plugin-related configuration data.
FileUtil |
The FileUtil is a utility class for working with files and directories.
FileUtil.FileCallableImpl |
Implements FileCallable 's
method, which is executed on the machine containing the file whose file path
is represented by the FilePath object on which the
act method is called.
FindingCounts |
The FindingCounts class represents the counts and mitigated status of
findings at a severity level.
FormValidationUtil |
The FormValidationUtil is a utility class for performing validation of form
GetAppListArgs |
The GetAppListArgs class builds the command line argument passed to the
Veracode API wrapper that causes it to call the "" end point.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
ProxyBlock |
The ProxyBlock class corresponds to an "optionalBlock" jelly element that
represents proxy configuration data.
RemoteScanUtil |
The RemoteScanUtil is a utility class related to perfoming the scans in
remote location.
SCAComponent |
The SCAComponent class represents a SCA Component (based on the detailed
ScanHistory |
This XML-binded ScanHistory class represents the scan history for a Jenkins
current/past builds.
SCAScanHistory |
This SCAScanHistory class represents the SCA Scan history for a Jenkins
current/past build.
SeverityLevel |
The SeverityLevel class represents the severity levels of flaws or
StringUtil |
The StringUtil is a utility class for working with Strings.
SystemUtil |
TrendChart |
UploadAndScanArgs |
The UploadAndScanArgs class builds the command line argument passed to the
Veracode API wrapper that causes it to upload binaries, start the pre-scan,
and if the pre-scan is successful, start the scan.
UserAgentUtil |
The UserAgentUtil is a utility class for getting version details.
VeracodeAction |
This class represents the post build Veracode step on the build page.
VeracodeNotifier |
The VeracodeNotifier class contains the code that is executed after a job
that is configured to use the Veracode plugin is built and provides getter
methods for the form fields defined in config.jelly.
VeracodeNotifier.VeracodeDescriptor |
Contains the code that is executed after a user submits the "Configure
System" form and provides getter methods for the form fields defined in
VeracodeParametersAction |
VeracodePipelineRecorder |
The VeracodePipelineRecorder class handles processing for "veracode" Pipeline
VeracodePipelineRecorder.PipelineDescriptorImpl |
WrapperUtil |
The WrapperUtil class contains the helpers for using wrappers.
XmlUtil |
The XmlUtil class contains the helpers to work with XML.