Class |
Description |
AccessKeyApi |
AccessKeyChecker |
AccessKeyEntity |
AccessKeyScope |
AccessKeyScopeEntity |
AccessToken |
AccessTokenApi |
AccessTokenEntity |
AccessTokenValidator |
AccessTokenValidatorImpl |
DefaultClientCommandConfigurer<T> |
FileContentNotFoundException |
GitApi |
GitBranch |
GitBranchEntity |
GitCommit |
GitCommitEntity |
GitFileContent |
GitFileContentEntity |
GitHead |
GitHeadEntity |
GitPullRequest |
GitPullRequestEntity |
GitPullRequests |
GitPullRequestsEntity |
GitRepositories |
GitRepositoriesEntity |
GitRepository |
GitRepositoryEntity |
GitRepositoryReference |
GitRepositoryReferenceEntity |
GitTreeContent |
GitTreeContent.ContentType |
GitTreeContentEntity |
HeaderAuthenticationValidator |
HeaderAuthenticationValidatorImpl |
InvalidAccessKeyException |
InvalidHeaderException |
InvalidIDTokenException |
InvalidScopesForAccessKeyException |
InvalidTuleapResponseException |
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
MinimalUserGroupEntity |
ObjectMapperProvider |
OkHttpClientProvider |
OpenIDClientApi |
OpenIdDiscovery |
OpenIdDiscoveryEntity |
PluginHelper |
PluginHelperimpl |
Project |
ProjectApi |
ProjectEntity |
ProjectNotFoundException |
PullRequest |
PullRequestApi |
PullRequestEntity |
SendBuildStatusAndCITokenEntity |
SendBuildStatusEntity |
SendTTMResultsEntity |
TestCampaignApi |
TreeNotFoundException |
TuleapAccessToken |
TuleapAccessTokenImpl |
TuleapAccessTokenImpl.DescriptorImpl |
TuleapApi |
TuleapApiClient |
TuleapApiGuiceModule |
TuleapAuthenticationApiAuthenticationClient |
TuleapAuthenticationApiGuiceModule |
TuleapAuthorization |
TuleapBranches |
TuleapBuildStatus |
TuleapClient |
Defines a Tuleap REST client and its behaviours given some configurations.
TuleapClient.MultipleUserMatchingCredentialsException |
Multiple user represented by a given username passxord credentials is clearly a showstopper
TuleapClient.NoSingleRepoByPathException |
If multpile git repo are represented by a path it is a show stopper as in Tuleap the discriminant is the git
repo path
TuleapClient.TuleapGitException |
If some git errors occurs, it is not a showstopper though as it may be just temporary.
TuleapClientCommandConfigurer<T> |
TuleapClientRawCmd |
TuleapClientRawCmd.AllRepositoriesByProject |
TuleapClientRawCmd.AllUserProjects |
TuleapClientRawCmd.Branches |
TuleapClientRawCmd.Command<T> |
TuleapClientRawCmd.GetJenkinsFile |
TuleapClientRawCmd.IsCredentialsValid |
TuleapClientRawCmd.IsTuleapServerUrlValid |
TuleapClientRawCmd.ProjectById |
TuleapCommit |
TuleapConfiguration |
TuleapFileContent |
TuleapGitBranch |
TuleapGitCommit |
TuleapGitRepository |
Encapsulate the Tuleap git representation and JGit git repo Translation of Tuleap's GitRepositoryRepresentation
TuleapNotifyCommitStatusRunner |
TuleapNotifyCommitStatusStep |
TuleapNotifyCommitStatusStep.DescriptorImpl |
TuleapNotifyCommitStatusStep.TuleapNotifyCommitStatusStepExecution |
TuleapProject |
Translate a ProjectRepresentation
TuleapProjectRepositories |
Translation of Tuleap Project's repositories
TuleapSendTTMResultsRunner |
TuleapSendTTMResultsStep |
TuleapSendTTMResultsStep.DescriptorImpl |
TuleapSendTTMResultsStep.Execution |
TuleapUser |
UrlJwksProviderProvider |
User |
UserApi |
UserEntity |
UserGroup |
UserGroupEntity |
UserGroupsApi |
UserInfo |
UserInfoEntity |
UserInfoValidator |
UserInfoValidatorImpl |
UsernameRetriever |
WebhookTokenApi |