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- availableCredentials(AbstractItem) - Static method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
- contributeTestData(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener, TestResult) - Method in class testingbot.TestReporter
- createReportPublisher() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class testingbot.TestReporter
- DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl
- DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher.DescriptorImpl
- DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.DescriptorImpl
- DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
- DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
- DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- DescriptorImpl(Class<? extends BaseStandardCredentials>) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- doAuthenticate(String, String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- doCheckId(String, ModelObject) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- doCheckLocalPath(AbstractProject, String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
- doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl
- doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.DescriptorImpl
- doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
- doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
- doIndex(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- equals(Object) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- Execution() - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.Execution
- expand(EnvVars) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.ExpanderImpl
- ExpanderImpl - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- findSessionIDs(CaseResult) - Static method in class testingbot.TestingBotReportFactory
- getAuthHash() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getBuild() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getClassName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getClientKey() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getCredentials() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildAction
- getCredentials(AbstractItem, String) - Static method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- getCredentialsId() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep
- getCredentialsId() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep
- getCredentialsId() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- getDecryptedSecret() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- getDescription() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- getDescriptor() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildAction
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
This human readable name is used in the configuration screen.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getDisplayName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- getEnvironmentName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getFunctionName() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl
- getFunctionName() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.DescriptorImpl
- getHash() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getIconFileName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildAction
- getIconFileName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getIconFileName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- getId() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- getId() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getIDs() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getIsPassed() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getKey() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- getName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder
- getName(TestingBotCredentials) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.NameProvider
- getOptions() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep
- getProvidedContext() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl
- getRequiredMonitorService() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- getRun() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- getSecret() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- getSessionId() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getSessionIds() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildSummary
- getSessionIds() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- getTbo() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- getTest() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getTestAction(TestObject) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReportFactory
- getTestData(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, BuildListener, TestResult) - Method in class testingbot.TestReporter
- getTestDataPublishers() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- getTestName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- getTestName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getTunnelOptions() - Method in class testingbot.tunnel.TunnelConfig
- getUrlName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildAction
- getUrlName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildSummary
- getUrlName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- getUrlName() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- hashCode() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- hasKey() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- hasSecret() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher.DescriptorImpl
- isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
- isEnableSSH() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- isScopeRelevant() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- isScopeRelevant(ModelObject) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl
- ItemListenerImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper.ItemListenerImpl
- migrate() - Static method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- migrateCredentials(AbstractProject) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- NameProvider() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials.NameProvider
- onAttached(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- onCompleted(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, TaskListener) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildSummary.RunListenerImpl
- onLoad(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- onLoaded() - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper.ItemListenerImpl
- parent - Variable in class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- perform(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- perform(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder
- perform(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
Created for implementing SimpleBuildStep / pipeline
- resolvePath(AbstractProject, String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl
- RunListenerImpl() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildSummary.RunListenerImpl
- sessionIds - Variable in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildSummary
- setAuthHash(String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- setClassName(String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- setCredentials(TestingBotCredentials) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildAction
- setCredentialsId(String) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep
- setCredentialsId(String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- setEnableSSH(boolean) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- setOptions(String) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- setTest(TestingbotTest) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- setTestDataPublishers(List<TestDataPublisher>) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- setTestName(String) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- setTunnelOptions(String) - Method in class testingbot.tunnel.TunnelConfig
- setUp(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- start() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.Execution
- start() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.TestingBotTunnelStepExecution
- stop(Throwable) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.Execution
- stop(Throwable) - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.TestingBotTunnelStepExecution
- takesImplicitBlockArgument() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl
- takesImplicitBlockArgument() - Method in class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.DescriptorImpl
- TB_KEY - Static variable in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- TB_SECRET - Static variable in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- testAuthentication(String, String) - Static method in class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- testingbot - package testingbot
- TESTINGBOT_KEY - Static variable in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- TESTINGBOT_SECRET - Static variable in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- TESTINGBOT_TUNNEL - Static variable in class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- testingbot.pipeline - package testingbot.pipeline
- testingbot.tunnel - package testingbot.tunnel
- TestingBotBuildAction - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildAction(TestingBotCredentials) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildAction
- TestingBotBuilder - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuilder(String) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuilder
- TestingBotBuilder.DescriptorImpl - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildObject - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildObject(String, String, String, boolean, String, TestingbotTest) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildObject
- TestingBotBuildSummary - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildSummary(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, List<TestingBotBuildObject>) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildSummary
- TestingBotBuildSummary.RunListenerImpl - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildWrapper - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildWrapper(String, boolean) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotBuildWrapper
- TestingBotBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotBuildWrapper.ItemListenerImpl - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotCredentials - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotCredentials(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotCredentials
- TestingBotCredentials.DescriptorImpl - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotCredentials.NameProvider - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotReport - Class in testingbot
Show videos for the tests.
- TestingBotReport(TestingBotCredentials, CaseResult, List<String>) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotReport
- TestingBotReportFactory - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotReportFactory(TestingBotCredentials) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotReportFactory
- TestingBotStep - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotStep(String) - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotStep
- TestingBotStep.DescriptorImpl - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotStep.Execution - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotTestEmbed - Class in testingbot
- TestingBotTestEmbed(List<TestingBotBuildObject>) - Constructor for class testingbot.TestingBotTestEmbed
- TestingBotTestPublisher - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotTestPublisher() - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- TestingBotTestPublisher(DescribableList<TestDataPublisher, Descriptor<TestDataPublisher>>) - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTestPublisher
- TestingBotTestPublisher.DescriptorImpl - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotTunnelStep - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotTunnelStep(String, String) - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep
- TestingBotTunnelStep.DescriptorImpl - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotTunnelStep.TestingBotTunnelStepExecution - Class in testingbot.pipeline
- TestingBotTunnelStepExecution() - Constructor for class testingbot.pipeline.TestingBotTunnelStep.TestingBotTunnelStepExecution
- TestReporter - Class in testingbot
- TestReporter() - Constructor for class testingbot.TestReporter
- TunnelConfig - Class in testingbot.tunnel
- TunnelConfig() - Constructor for class testingbot.tunnel.TunnelConfig
- TunnelConfig(String) - Constructor for class testingbot.tunnel.TunnelConfig
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