All Classes and Interfaces

use UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl
Resolve credentials for legacy code.
A simple username / password for use with SSH connections.
Let the user enter the key directly via copy & paste
This approach has security vulnerability and should be migrated to BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.DirectEntryPrivateKeySource
A source of private keys
This approach has security vulnerability and should be migrated to BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.DirectEntryPrivateKeySource
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
SSHAuthenticator<C,U extends com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernameCredentials>
Abstraction for something that can authenticate an SSH connection.
Reflects the different styles of applying authentication.
Extension point to allow plugging in SSHAuthenticator implementations for the many SSH client libraries available.
Use StandardUsernameCredentials as the common class.
Use StandardUsernameListBoxModel with SSHAuthenticator instead.
use StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials
Details of a SSH user with a private key.
Does password auth with a Connection.
Extension point to allow plugging in SSHAuthenticator implementations for the many SSH client libraries available.
Does public key auth with a Connection.
Extension point to allow plugging in SSHAuthenticator implementations for the many SSH client libraries available.