ActivatePluginBuilder |
Build step responsible for a plugin activation.
ActivatePluginBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
ApplyChangesBuilder |
Build step responsible for applying changes from a remote source control to a specified local application.
ApplyChangesBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
BatchInstallBuilder |
Build step responsible for publishing the specified application and all of its artifacts to the application repository.
BatchInstallBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
BatchRollbackBuilder |
Build step initiates a rollback of a specified application to a specified version.
BatchRollbackBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
Constants |
InstallAppBuilder |
Build step used for installation of an application.
InstallAppBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
InstanceScanBuilder |
Build step responsible for instance scan as well as getting progress and results of runs.
InstanceScanBuilder.CustomMessages |
InstanceScanBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
ProgressBuilder |
Base class of other build step classes checking a progress of the CI/CD function associated with a passed-in progress ID.
PublishAppBuilder |
Build step responsible for publishing the specified application and all of its artifacts to the application repository.
PublishAppBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
RestClientFactory |
RollbackAppBuilder |
Build step initiates a rollback of a specified application to a specified version.
RollbackAppBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
RollbackPluginBuilder |
Build step rolls back the specified plugin to the previous installed version.
RollbackPluginBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
RunTestSuiteWithResultsBuilder |
Build step runs a specified automated test suite.
RunTestSuiteWithResultsBuilder.DescriptorImpl |
ServiceNowModule |
SNDescriptor |