AbstractAction |
BrowserAxis |
Axis that allows Sauce browsers to be selected for multi-configuration projects.
JenkinsBuildInformation |
JenkinsJobInformation |
JenkinsSauceREST |
PluginImpl |
Persists the access credentials and common options for the Sauce plugin.
PluginImpl.DescriptorImpl |
SauceOnDemandBuildAction |
Presents the links to the Sauce OnDemand jobs on the build summary page.
SauceOnDemandBuildWrapper |
BuildWrapper that sets up the Sauce OnDemand SSH tunnel and populates environment
variables which represent the selected browser(s).
SauceOnDemandReport |
Show videos for the tests.
SauceOnDemandReportFactory |
SauceOnDemandReportPublisher |
Associates Sauce OnDemand session ID to unit tests.
SauceTestResultsById |
SeleniumInformation |
Contains information about the browser information selected in the Jenkins job configuration.
TestIDDetails |
Created by gavinmogan on 2016-04-20.