All Classes and Interfaces
Class to configure SAML custom attributes to grab from the SAMLResponse and put in the User Profile.
Parent Class for SAML Attributes configuration settings.
Pac4j requires to set a keystore for encryption operations,
the plugin generate an automatic keystore or it is not possible uses a keystore bundle on the plugin.
Class to store the info about how to manage the IdP Metadata.
Store details about create and login processes
Listen to the login success/failure event to persist
s properly.Overall wrapper to all operation using OpenSAML library, this allows to load the Service Loaders properly
Simple immutable data class to hold the optional advanced configuration data section
of the plugin's configuration page
Store custom SAMl Attributes read from SAML Response.
Simple immutable data class to hold the optional encryption data section
of the plugin's configuration page
Created by kuisathaverat on 03/05/2017.
A page that shows a simple message when the user logs out.
contains all the Jenkins SAML Plugin settings
Process to response from the IdP to obtain the SAML2Profile of the user.
Process the current configuration and request to prepare a Redirection to the IdP.
Authenticates the user via SAML.
build the Service Provider(SP) metadata from the configuration.
This service is responsible for restoring UserDetails object by userId
validate the IdP metadata, this class is used from the configuration screen to validate the XML in the IdP Metadata textarea.
This periodic work update the IdP Metadata File, the periodicof the execution is defined on the SAML Plugin configuration.