Class ReverseProxyAuthenticationProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReverseProxyAuthenticationProvider

        public ReverseProxyAuthenticationProvider​(ReverseProxyAuthenticator authenticator,
                                                  ReverseProxyAuthoritiesPopulator authoritiesPopulator)
        Create an instance with the supplied authenticator and authorities populator implementations.
        authenticator - the authentication strategy (bind, password comparison, etc) to be used by this provider for authenticating users.
        authoritiesPopulator - the strategy for obtaining the authorities for a given user after they've been authenticated.
      • ReverseProxyAuthenticationProvider

        public ReverseProxyAuthenticationProvider​(ReverseProxyAuthenticator authenticator)
        Creates an instance with the supplied authenticator and a null authorities populator. In this case, the authorities must be mapped from the user context.
        authenticator - the authenticator strategy.