Package org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.extended.scm
Class Summary Class Description ExcludeFromChangeSet This class extends GitSCMExtension for excluding git change log from plugin SCMExcludeFromChangeSet.DescriptorImpl ExcludeFromChangeSet.HideMe ExcludeFromChangeSet.ScmListener ExcludeFromPoll This class extends GitSCMExtension for excluding plugin SCM from Job PollExcludeFromPoll.DescriptorImpl ExcludeFromPoll.HideMe ExtendedSCMBinder This class consist of necessary methods for binding another Jenkins file from another repository to Multibranch pipeline.ExtendedSCMBinder.DescriptorImpl Descriptor Implementation forFlowDefinitionDescriptor
.ExtendedSCMBinder.HideMe This method hides Remote Jenkins Plugin from other Pipeline Jobs and make visible to only MultiBranch PipelineLocalMarkerSCMSourceCriteria SCMFilter This class consist of necessary methods to filter SCM Descriptor for Remote Jenkins File Plugin