Class |
Description |
ExcludeFromChangeSet |
This class extends GitSCMExtension for excluding git change log from plugin SCM
ExcludeFromChangeSet.DescriptorImpl |
ExcludeFromChangeSet.HideMe |
ExcludeFromChangeSet.ScmListener |
ExcludeFromPoll |
This class extends GitSCMExtension for excluding plugin SCM from Job Poll
ExcludeFromPoll.DescriptorImpl |
ExcludeFromPoll.HideMe |
ExtendedSCMBinder |
This class consist of necessary methods for binding another Jenkins file from another repository to Multibranch pipeline.
ExtendedSCMBinder.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor Implementation for FlowDefinitionDescriptor .
ExtendedSCMBinder.HideMe |
This method hides Remote Jenkins Plugin from other Pipeline Jobs and make visible to only MultiBranch Pipeline
LocalMarkerSCMSourceCriteria |
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
RemoteJenkinsFileItemListener |
RemoteJenkinsFileWorkflowBranchProjectFactory |
This class extends WorkflowBranchProjectFactory to inject defined Jenkins file and repository in
Remote Jenkins File Plugin
RemoteJenkinsFileWorkflowBranchProjectFactory.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor Implementation for AbstractWorkflowMultiBranchProjectFactory
RemoteJenkinsFileWorkflowMultiBranchProjectFactory |
This class extends AbstractWorkflowMultiBranchProjectFactory to inject defined Jenkins file and repository in
Remote Jenkins File Plugin
RemoteJenkinsFileWorkflowMultiBranchProjectFactory.DescriptorImpl |
SCMFilter |
This class consist of necessary methods to filter SCM Descriptor for Remote Jenkins File Plugin