Class JsonApiModelScanAttributes

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,​String>

    public class JsonApiModelScanAttributes
    extends HashMap<String,​String>
    Additonal attributes associated with the IaC scan job. The keys below should be used for better display: * buildNumber: For CI/CD, the build number associated with the IaC scan * projectName: For CI/CD, the repo or project name associated with the IaC scan * prName: For CI/CD, the pull/merge request name associated with the IaC scan * pipelineName: For CD pipeline, the pipeline name associated with the IaC scan * pipelineLambda: For CD pipeline, the lambda name associated with the IaC scan * pipelineJobId: For CD pipeline, the job ID associated with the IaC scan * pipelineStageName: For CD pipeline, the stage name associated with the IaC scan * pipelineActionName: For CD pipeline, the action name associated with the IaC scan
    See Also:
    Serialized Form